Climate Justice Conversations - Sat 13 Nov (Syd)

Date and Time: 
Saturday, November 13, 2010 -
11:00am to 5:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Holly Creenaune
Sydney Mechanics School of the Arts 280 Pitt Street (near Town Hall Station)

===You're invited to a Climate Justice Conversation===

After 18 years of United Nations climate summits, how much do we really know about what’s on the negotiating table? How will these proposals impact on Australian campaigns to transition from dirty coal to renewable energy?

In the lead up to the UN talks in Cancun, join Friends of the Earth Sydney and Indonesian climate justice activists for a day-long workshop: CLIMATE JUSTICE CONVERSATIONS.

Climate Justice Conversations will bring together environmental groups, faith groups, unions, international (Southern) activists, human rights activists and aid and development workers to share commonalities, listen to stories of resistance, and develop ideas, skills and alliances to work for just and effective solutions to climate change.


===INTERNATIONAL FOCUS – Indonesian Climate Activists see REDD===

Part of Climate Justice Conversations will focus on REDD - Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation - a huge and controversial UN forest offset program in pilot phase.

We’ll speak in conversation with Indonesian activists Teguh Surya, Arie Rompas and Muliadi, who are touring Australia to share stories of resistance to the already devastating impacts of REDD on their communities.

We’ll explore the concerning prospect that REDD will undermine Australian community campaigns to transition away coal and towards renewable energy by flooding the carbon market with cheap offsets allowing Australian polluters to take the “easier option” of buying these credits rather than really reducing their pollution. This discussion will help us reflect on these impacts and how we should respond.


• Teguh Surya - Campaigns Director at WALHI, the largest and oldest environmental organisation in Indonesia, uniting more than 450 groups across Indonesia’s vast archipelago.

• Arie Rompas - Executive Director of WALHI in Central Kalimantan.

• Muliadi - Secretary General of Aliansi Rakyat Pengelola Gambut (ARPAG), a 7000-strong organisation of peasants, fisherfolks, rattan handcrafters and rubber collectors. ARPAG members live adjacent to the Australian Government funded REDD project in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
