Freedom Socialist Party meeting Why voting Greens is not sustainable

Contact Phone: 
Date and Time: 
Tuesday, November 30, 2010 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Solidarity Salon
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

The strong support for The Greens, particularly after the ALP’s retreat from any real action over climate change, is understandable. Socialists consider that a sustainable earth and the capitalist economic system are completely incompatible. To heal the planet and build a sustainable future, free of oppression and injustice, it is necessary to replace capitalism and begin to build a sustainable, global socialist society. The Greens politics are somewhat amorphous. While the environment is key to their politics, it has been social issues that have boosted their popularity to the point where they are now the third force in mainstream Australian politics. Despite some excellent policies that uncover the root causes of poverty and oppression, the Greens support a market economy modified by government regulation. They also pride themselves in being “responsible,” which means responsibly managing the capitalist state. Even though Greens supporters – many who are socialists - want a challenge to the existing economic system, this is something the party is not prepared to do.

Come to a meeting to discuss the history and policies of The Greens and explore why, without a clear anti-capitalist orientation, the party is simply continuing the illusion that we can win what we need while leaving the current system intact!

Dinner at 6:30 pm for an $8 donation, meeting at 7 pm.

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

For more information, contact or 9388-0062
