For all of those who are interested in what is happening at present with regards to justice for Luke Borusiewicz. (Born: 22/09/06 - Died 18/01/2009)
Legal Proceedings will pursue against the Department of Child Safety for blatant negligence and innapropriate treatment of Luke and his family. The foster carer is also under suspicion of neglecting/abusing the toddler, as the elderly lady has had numerous children removed from her care previous to this incident for abuse and neglect of her foster children. The prevalent danger was known by the whole Cairns North office of DoCS, including manager, Pat Anderson.
It appears we are unfettered by the coroner who claims it would be inappropriate to release any details, even after almost two years.
I wish to sincerely thank all who have shown their support and kindness, and all who have become members of Luke's Army, with all of my heart.
I think it is commendable for any kind hearted human being to open their heart and their home to a stranger's child, and treat them with the love and kindness every child deserves. This woman was seventy four, with four foster children, the youngest, my two year old son who died whilst in her care, despite my endless attempts to have him returned or removed from the terrifying situation he was placed in..