Rally to Replace ALL of Hazelwood

Date and Time: 
Saturday, November 6, 2010 -
1:00pm to 3:00pm
State Library, cnr Swanston and Latrobe Streets

Join us to put the heat on our pollies this state election to Replace ALL of Hazelwood - Australia's dirtiest power station.

Because: Lets move Victoria to a renewable energy powered future
We’ve written letters, letterboxed our streets, door-knocked our neighbourhoods, held community meetings and met with our MPs to get them to act on Hazelwood. But now, in the lead up to Victoria’s state election, we’ve got to take the campaign up a notch.

So join us on Saturday, 6 November to make sure our politicians get the message – that Victorian’s want a commitment from all parties before the election to Replace ALL of Hazelwood power station.

We need to see you, your family and friends, your workmates, neighbours, school teachers and even your local green grocer there on 6 November. Because we all want a safe climate future. And real action to replace Hazelwood is just the beginning.

PS> A major rally like this is a big event to organise, and we can’t do it without your help. Hop here to find out how you can promote the Rally in your community: http://www.replacehazelwood.org.au/make-it-happen.html

And please forward this on to your facebook friends and other networks.

Organised by Environment Victoria, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, GetUp, Alternative Technology Association, Victoria Climate Action Centre, Yarra Climate Action Now, Climate Action Moreland, Darebin Climate Action Now, BREAZE, Surf Coast Energy Group, Climate Emergency Network, LIVE and Mount Alexander Sustainability Group.
