Socialist Alliance State Conference

Contact Phone: 
0413 377 978
Date and Time: 
Saturday, October 2, 2010 -
9:30am to 5:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Sue Bolton
AMWU offices, 251 Queensberry St, Carlton South

As Victoria heads into the state elections, plot, plan and get inspired with exciting speakers from Socialist Alliance, the Greens and community campaigns...

 Public interest vs private profits in Victoria

Registration from 9.30am $15/10 concession (full day)   $7/3(half day)

10.00-11.20am Population, urban sprawl and Melbourne’s infrastructure

Join Alex Bhathal, Greens federal election candidate and Trent Hawkins, Socialist Alliance federal election candidate to discuss these questions, "Does Melbourne have too many people? Is this why our trains are overcrowded? Can Melbourne increase its population and still have green spaces?"

11.30 –12.45pm: Workshops:

 (a) Water, forests and climate change: How to meet Victoria’s challenges

Presented by Steve Meacher, Climate Emergency Network; Mitch Cherry, climate activist and Geelong Socialist Alliance

 (b) Beat the car: putting public transport back on track 

Tony Morton, Public Transport Users Association and Natalie Zirngast, No Freeway 4 West Footscray and Socialist Alliance will discuss the campaign for better public transport that meets people's needs

 (c) Victoria’s housing crisis – what are the solutions?

Public housing activist (TBA); Sibylle Kaczorek, former housing worker and Socialist Alliance member will examine housing and homelessness issues

(Introduction to Socialist Alliance workshop during lunch 12.45-1.30pm)

 1.30—2.45pm Feature session:  Law and order – Where does justice fit in?

What is the motivation behind the Liberal and Labor parties’ campaigns to increase police powers? Should drugs be decriminalised?

Speakers: Rob Stary, civil liberties lawyer; Margarita Windisch, Socialist Alliance federal election candidate

Followed by presentation of Socialist Alliance state election candidates; and discussion and voting on policies in the forthcoming state election, including on the following: Environment - climate change and green jobs, water, rivers, industrial pollution, toxic waste dumps; bushfire and fire protection; industrial relations & Work Cover; transport – public transport, rail freight, tollways/freeways; population, urban sprawl and Melbourne’s infrastructure; Indigenous; justice/drugs; housing; education; health;

Election of state executive; and conference close at 5pm
