Rally in support of Mapuche political prisoners

Date and Time: 
Friday, October 1, 2010 -
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Chilean Consulate 390 St Kilda Road Melbourne, Australia

The struggle for Indigenous autonomy against the ravages of colonialism continues today. In Chile, it takes the form of the persecution of the Indigenous Mapuche people by the Chilean state. The state has employed anti-terrorist legislation to invade Indigenous communities, expropriate their land, and imprison their leaders. Today, there are 32 Mapuche political prisoners in Chilean jails, and additional two minors. They have been on a liquid hunger strike in protest against their treatment and the persecution of their people since 12 July. On 17 September, activists met with the Chilean Consul-General to express their concerns about the treatment of the Mapuche people. It is vital that the Chilean government know that Australian support for the Mapuche people will remain strong and ongoing, and that the 32 hunger strikers know that they are not alone in their fight for justice. Therefore, we will gather again on the first of October to re-iterate our support for the Mapuche demands:

a) Immediate devolution of Mapuche ancestral territories and land.
b) Freedom for all Mapuche Political Prisoners.
c) No to the application of Law No. 18.314, the Antiterrorist Law against Mapuche people, because of their just demand of justice and self-determination.
d) No more judicial processes using the testimonies of Protected, faceless or anonymous witnesses.
e) We demand a fair trial for Mapuche Political prisoners keeping in jail without sentence.
f) End the double jeopardy of Civil/Military Courts in Mapuche cases.
g) Demilitarization of the Mapuche communities in conflict along with Forestry and Multinationals companies.
h) No to Mining Projects on Lake Lleu-Lleu.
i) Stop to the political persecution of the Mapuche Nation by the Chilean State.
j) No more assassinations.
k) The disqualification of the anti-Mapuche prosecutor, Miguel Angel Velazquez, for his unconstitutional actions in the judicial process – Corrupt, torturer and racist.
l) The incapacity of Judge of the Lautaro Court, Haydee Roa.
m)The incapacity of the State Prosecutor, Mr. Alexander Schneider Oyanedel, for being the defence lawyer in the case of the San Leandro Estate, and later becoming the State Prosecutor in the same case.
