Otesha: Cycling for sustainibility - trivia and dinner night

Date and Time: 
Friday, September 3, 2010 -
6:30pm to 9:30pm
Loophole Community Centre - 670 High Street Thornbur

The Otesha Project (Australia): Cycling for Sustainability is a not-for-profit organisation that offers bicycle tours and educational programs to engage youth about sustainable consumption.

Using theatre, multimedia, and interactive workshops, Otesha (Aust.)’s creative focus provides a unique approach to understanding environmental and social justice issues, enabling youth to become role models and sustainability advocates.

Our first fundraising event for our 2011 tour is going to be just as creative and fun.

No ordinary trivia night, trivia, Otesha style, will be interactive, and targeting all kinds of thinkers; so grab four to five mates, think up a name and secure a starting place among a host of other trivia loving, bike riding peeps.

There’ll be a prize for the winning team as well as a lucky door prize.

We’ll have a raffle on the night for some cycling related stuff and you’ll be able to purchase some home made treats.

Trivia is compulsory, dinner is optional; but once you step through the door and smell our amazing pizzas and vegetarian curry you’ll be watering at the mouth and wishing your stomach wasn’t full!

There’ll also be yummy drinks like organic chai and also some locally brewed beer and organic wine - by donation.
