Eighteenth Australian soldier killed in Afghanistan

Jason Thomas Brown became the 18th Australian soldier killed in Afghanistan on the 14th of August, the seventh this year. His death comes as fighting intensifies in Afghanistan as part of Obama's "surge" tactic which is bringing an increased death toll to soldiers and civilians alike. It is time for Australian troops to be pulled out of this war - which after nine years - only serves to try to prop up the power of U.S. imperialism in this geopolitically important part of this world.

Whilst the Government puts the usual spin on this death, that this soldier did not die in vain but to protect Australia's vital interests blah blah blah - it is clear to anyone with their eyes open that this war, which has already been going for nine years, is only leading to more civilian deaths and suffering for the Afghan people. Afghanistan has suffered under foreign occupation and interference for so long it has become a devastated nation. Despite claims that we are there to protect Afghan civilians the Coalition continues to kill Afghanis, is propping up warlords and a corrupt Government and has done little or nothing to develop this nation and repair its battered infrastructure. Instead of stopping terrorism, the war is undermining not only Afghanistan but also risks pushing Pakistan into the abyss of extremism and chaos.

Australia supported the U.S.'s murderous interventions into South East Asia in the sixties and seventies and both major parties continue thier support for America's equally disastrous current forays into the Middle East and Central Asia.

Stop the Afghanistan War and Bring the Troops Home.

If you are on Facebook consider joining the new group
Bring the Australian Troops Home

As a secret CIA document leaked to Wikipedia reveals Why Counting on Apathy Might Not be Enough the U.S. Government fears that the latent hostility to this war amongst its allies populations if it is turned into active protest risks undermining their ability to fight this war. So lets wake up and get active and STOP THE WAR!