Deadly smoke alarms in 99% of Australian homes

This is a smoke alarm alert. You are most likely to be using the wrong type of smoke alarm which may not operate in time to alert you early enough to escape from smouldering fires.

People are dying, or thinking they are lucky to have escaped their house fire in their pyjamas, whereas their house could also have been saved if they had installed a different type of smoke alarm.

Peter Enright from Planet Fire Safety, in association with The World Fire Safety Foundation, has talked to Noosa Community Radio. The interview runs 8′23″ and is at

Hear more interviews on this at

2 people have sent comments to Noosa Community Radio's website:

Adrian Butler:

Congratulations on your ‘Deadly Smoke Alarms’ story. This is an excellent interview. The Australian public and our fire fighters have been grossly misled about smoke alarms. Your listeners may find the following two links very interesting. 1. The Fire Brigades OFFICIAL stand on this issue (which, tragically has not been communicated to the public):

2. The University of Cincinnati’s recent ‘Smoke Detector Seminar’. This provides all the facts for fire fighters to find out the truth: When your listeners find out the truth we ask them to please tell all their family and friends before more needless deaths and injuries occur.

Thank you. Adrian Butler, Chairman, The World Fire Safety Foundation, Currumbin, Queensland, Australia

Neil A. Rellik:

I applaud you on this interview as I have seen the documentary Stop The Children Burning and was horrified that these defective ionization alarms are allowed to be sold! They really do not work. I tested my own and got the same result! No alarm! I immediately checked out the hardware shops but none are selling kits and only a few had one or two pricey photoelectric units. None stock the aerosol fire extinguishers that the Planet Fire Safety website has either, so I got onto them and bought a home fire kit and got rid of my ionization alarms – I am not going to take any chances where the safety of my family is concerned. I can sleep easier at night now too. I urge all residents on the Sunny Coast to do the same.