LASNET Film Screening: 'The Trial of Pascual Pichun'

Date and Time: 
Monday, August 16, 2010 -
6:30pm to 9:00pm
Human Rights Department, RMIT University 102 Victoria Street, Carlton (near Cardigan St)


A conflict between wealthy landowners/Chilean State and the Mapuche people (Indigenous people of Chile) in the remote areas of the south of Chile is the topic of THE TRIAL OF PASCUAL PICHUN. This timely, moving story
...focuses on the conflict as it takes on new urgency when the Mapuche are
threatened with displacement, and acts of vandalism against private
buildings and property are reported as their doing. The clash reaches new
heights when Pascual Pichun, an Mapuche Leader (Lonko), is placed on trial
as a terrorist under a new Chilean law with serious implications for
future cases, and for the fate of Chile's indigenous population.

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