Melbourne Writers Festival

Contact Phone: 
+61 (0)3 9094 7859
Date and Time: 
Friday, August 27, 2010 - 10:00am to Sunday, September 5, 2010 - 10:00pm
Contact Email:
Federation Square and nearby venues

Melbourne Writers Festival
25th Anniversary
27 August to 5 September 2010

In 2010, Melbourne Writers Festival, the city’s premier literary event, celebrates its 25th anniversary. This year the festival brings together an array of talented writers, artists, thinkers and performers from across the globe.

Expect the unexpected as Melbourne Writers Festival opens its doors to all – celebrating everything from novels to film, from journalism to songwriting, from comedy to cartooning, and from advertising to politics.

Highlights include:
- Eight Writers: Eight Ways to Be Human
- Joss Whedon: From Buffy to Dr Horrible, Infinity & Beyond
- Magazine: 56 rapid-fire free events featuring some of the festival's favourite guests
- Francis Wheen and Frank Moorhouse on the 70s
- New News 2010: on the future of journalism
- Lyrical: featuring Steve Kilbey, Lisa Miller, Cloud Control and others
- Malcolm Fraser, Waleed Aly and Judith Brett: On Liberalism
- Peter Beinart on the Failure of the Jewish Establishment
- DBC Pierre and Jonathon Walker on Modern Dystopia

For bookings and the full program visit
