History of Tamil Peoples' Struggle & What has to be done for Peace & Justice in Sri Lanka

Date and Time: 
Saturday, June 20, 2009 -
3:30pm to 5:30pm
Contact Email: 
East Burwood Hall, East Burwood Reserve 310 Burwood Highway, East Burwood, Victoria

Please promote and forward the following information to anybody who may be interested in attending:

History of Tamil Peoples' Struggle & What has to be done for Peace & Justice in Sri Lanka

This free talk will trace the development of the ethnic conflict that has resulted in the violation of human rights of both the Tamils and the Sinhalese, which now features the Genocide of the Tamil people.

The fundamentals underlying this problem will be set out and the possible solutions analysed.

Unless these fundamental problems are addressed, without delay, there will neither be Peace, Justice nor Prosperity in Sri Lanka, as the country slides inexorably and irreversibly into a Fascist Dictatorship, and a Failed State.

All are welcome and there will be ample opportunities to ask questions.

Date: Saturday, June 20th
Time: 3:30 - 5:30pm
Speaker: Dr. Brian Senewiratne

Location: East Burwood Hall, East Burwood Reserve
310 Burwood Highway, East Burwood, Victoria

Dr. Brian Senewiratne
BA (Cambridge),MA (Cambridge), MD (London), MBBChir. (Cambridge),
MBBS (London), DRCOG (London), MRCP (London), FRCP (London), MRACP, FRACP

Dr Brian is a consultant physcian who has been practicising and residing in Brisbane as an Australian citizen for over the past 32 years. Brian Senewiratne was born into the ruling and majority Sinhalese community of Sri Lanka. As a member of the powerful political clan that includes the Bandaranaike family he grew up in an atmosphere steeped in politics. However from a young age he showed signs of being endowed with an acute sense of right and wrong. More than that, he not only possessed the ability to discern between right and wrong but was also endowed with the courage to act out his convictions. He has been a key advocate and an outspoken Human Rights activist for over the past two decades and has delivered numerous presentations at various forums.
