"Bring'em Back" - meet the socialist trammies who blockaded the city!

Contact Phone: 
0413 377 978
Date and Time: 
Saturday, July 24, 2010 -
2:00pm to 6:00pm
Contact Email: 
Contact Name: 
Phillip or Sue
Greater Union Cinema 3, 131 Russell St Melbourne

Event: "Bring'em Back" - meet the socialist trammies who blockaded the city!

Start Time: Saturday, July 24 at 2:00pm
End Time: Saturday, July 24 at 6:00pm

Where: Melb Film Festival, Greater Union Cinema 3,
131 Russell St

Marking the end of a ten year odyssey Bring‘Em Back! is a gentle, funny, angry, romantic story about the broken love affair between a city and its tram conductors, about public misgivings over the end of the affair and an ambitious scheme to put things right.

Email producer: phillip@phillipdonnellonfilms.com
Phone 0418 101 389

January 1990 the lockout of tram workers and shut down of electricity supply of the tram system by Management and the ALP Government to remove tram conductors/save money....

July 2010 automated Myki ticket system costs $1.3 Billion and still not working.

Tram conductors website with a youtube documentary on the history of the Melbourne's connies - http://tramconductors.net/

Catch the Connies at the Melbourne International Film Festival premier of "Bring'em back". Be part of the Socialist Alliance group booking and meet veteran trammie trade unionists who helped lead the fight to save conductors, Doug Jordan and Helen Said (who features in the film). Then join us afterwards for refreshments (at a wheelchair accessible venue, to be advised).

Hear first hand from Doug Jordan, who spent his working life as a tram conductor and is now completing a PhD in labour history. Disability rights activists will also be speaking out about the need for accessible public transport.

Funds raised will be donated to the election campaign of Socialist Alliance Senate candidates Margarita Windisch, a former tram conductor, and Indigenous rights activist Sharon Firebrace. RSVP by 18/7/10 to Sue on 9639 8622 or 0413 377 978 or email sueb@greenleft.org.au
