Urgent action: Tragic news from Manus

Today, some truly tragic news.

Hamid Kehazaei, a 24-year-old Iranian asylum seeker detained on Manus Island, recently suffered a cut to his foot while being detained on Manus Island. After the cut became infected, it's reported that Hamid sought medical attention and was denied for days, resulting in acute blood poisoning. Today we learned that, after being transferred to a hospital in Brisbane, he has been declared brain dead.

This is beyond the pale. Once again we have blood on our hands because of the inhumane, indecent and negligent actions of our government and its treatment of asylum seekers. Desperate people who cross the seas looking for safety, a future and - at the very least - humane treatment.

This incident is unimaginable for Hamid and his family - and our thoughts and prayers are with them right now. And while we cannot undo what has been done, we can influence what happens next.

We will not stand by while asylum seekers are treated with inhumanity and contempt, in our name. Enough is enough. That's why - overnight - community groups, refugee advocates, faith groups and everyday Australians are banding together to once again come together for candlelit vigils in solidarity with asylum seekers and hope for an end to the shameful and fatal conditions in which we keep asylum seekers.

We will once again Light the Dark in memory of yet another young man whose life may end prematurely because of our government's neglect.

Our petition for an end to this shameful policy will be presented in Parliament this week - and we will also present it to Hamid's family this week to show our sympathy and solidarity. Add your name now:


Today is yet another damning condemnation of Australia's detention centres, and our despicable human rights record in our treatment of asylum seekers. These deaths must stop. We must put an end to the cruelty, to the deaths, and shut down these centres once and for all.

Our government has had time to act. Seven months have passed since Reza Berati was brutally murdered while being detained by Australia in the Manus Island detention centre in February of this year. And this week could see yet another entirely preventable death.

It's inexcusable that events like this are occurring in our name, and unthinkable to think that they could pass in silence. Too much, and too many, have been lost already.

Sign on to this response now, and we'll let you know about the location of any snap actions happening in your local area as soon as the details are announced: https://www.getup.org.au/enough-is-enough

Thanks for all that you do,

Erin, Alycia, Sally, Kayla, Kelsey and the GetUp team

PS - If you live around Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth or Adelaide, there may be a candlelit vigil near you on Thursday evening. Click here to RSVP:
