Greens have found over $88 billion dollars

Christine Milne
We've found over $88 billion dollars

Why is Joe Hockey ready to 'Campbell Newman' the whole of Australia, before he's willing to end the free-ride for the Big End of Town?

Luckily for Mr Hockey, we've found over $88 billion dollars in revenue.
End the free ride for Big Business

Dear friends,

Treasurer Joe Hockey is threatening ‘emergency action’ and inflicting Queensland-style cuts across the country if ‘structural budget reforms’ aren’t made.1

Why is Joe Hockey ready to ‘Campbell Newman’ the whole of Australia, before he’s willing to end the free-ride for Big End of Town?

Luckily for Mr Hockey, we’ve found over $88 billion dollars in revenue.

Why should Big Business, the Big Banks and Big Mining continue getting off scot free, while Mr Hockey continues threatening everyday Australians with even more of his cruel budget cuts, and making life even harder for our community’s most vulnerable people?

If we

Abolish tax breaks for Big Mining, raising $12.8 billion
Retain the price on pollution, raising $18 billion
Implement the original super profits tax on Big Mining, raising $35.5 billion
Impose a $2 per tonne levy on thermal coal exports, raising $1.7 billion
Reduce tax avoidance by taxing discretionary trusts (excepting farmers) the same as corporations, raising $3.6 billion
Implement a Millionaires Tax on incomes over $1 million, raising $637 million
Apply a public insurance levy on the Big Four Banks that are ‘too big to fail’, raising $16.8 billion

we can raise over $88 billion dollars.

Instead, Joe Hockey has chosen to make the lives of everyday Australians even harder by enforcing a $7 fee to visit the doctor, increasing university fees, punishing people who are trying to find jobs and making cruel and brutal cuts

Will you sign the petition, telling Joe Hockey to stop the free-ride for Big End of Town at the expense of ordinary Australians?


Christine Milne


1. Joe Hockey threatens emergency austerity action if budget measures are rejected, The Sydney Morning Herald |


Germany has one third of its economy powered by renewable energy, if we could implement the above we would have enough money to establish renewable energy in Australia.

Alot of work has been done all round the world developing prototype renewable energy technology & most of these prototypes have been tested & been put into use, achieving good results in energy outputs. Now is the time to begin to implement RREIC, Robotic Renewable Energy Infrastructure Construction & it will take awhile for the basic systems to be outlined by collectives of renewable energy experts from all round the world. We have seen what can be achieved but actually implementing the technology will require robotic systems.

The following basic outline of renewable energy technology has already been put into use & note each of the following can be broken up into many forms of different technology.

Solar energy
Tidal power
Wave power
Wind power
Osmotic power
Marine current power
Ocean thermal energy conversion

Swarms of self replicating robotic machines can use technologies like google earth to travel all over the Australian continent constructing Renewable energy Infrastructure both on land & at sea . . .

Robotic Biofuel cultivators . . .
Robotic Biomass cultivators . . .
Robotic Geothermal energy infrastructure construction . . .
Hydroelectricity expanded using robotic construction methods . . .
Robotic Solar energy infrastructure construction . . .
Robotic Tidal power infrastructure construction . . .
Robotic Wave power infrastructure construction . . .
Robotic Wind power infrastructure construction . . .
Robotic Osmotic power infrastructure construction . . .
Robotic Marine current power infrastructure construction
Robotic Ocean thermal energy conversion infrastructure construction

Our first pilot project will be to convert the Australian desert into a solar furnace using swarm robotics.

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AUSI, Australien Universal Space Industries