THE Aboriginal Business Directory WA (ABDWA) now has its own Facebook page

By Small Business Development Corporation

THE Aboriginal Business Directory WA (ABDWA) now has its own Facebook page, providing a great way for the community to keep updated on news and events relating to Aboriginal small business in Western Australia.

Established in 2012, the Directory promotes products and services from Aboriginal businesses in WA to potential buyers in government, private and not-for-profit sectors. Featuring more than 200 businesses from across the State, it is the most comprehensive list of its kind in Western Australia.

The new Facebook page at further enhances the
directory as a valuable cross-cultural business resource.

Small Business Commissioner David Eaton said the Facebook page was a tool that would help to further build the Aboriginal business community through the sharing of news and links to useful, relevant and interesting information.

"The ABDWA has been well-received, exceeding expectations, and the Facebook page will
enable us to build on this success," he said.

"The Facebook page provides a great way for the Aboriginal business community - along with those seeking to use businesses listed on the Directory - to receive updates on the ABDWA, small business sector news, services, workshops and business opportunities.

"It also highlights how the Directory is having a positive impact on Aboriginal communities and individuals through employment and developing businesses."

The Directory itself is the result of a partnership between Government and private enterprise and addresses one of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG)'s seven action areas to overcome Indigenous disadvantage in economic participation.

"The ADBWA provides a great opportunity for WA's Aboriginal businesses to showcase their products and services to wider audience," Mr Eaton said.

"It provides an avenue for Aboriginal businesses to promote their capabilities to prospective clients nationally and internationally and the launch of the associated Facebook page will further assist this."