Zionist war crimes - an ISJA view

it is far too long that the genocidal attacks against the civilian population of gaza must stop. and stop immediately.

it now appears that the netanyahu government is in an all-out war of extermination of the palestinians people. this genocide is covered by the puerile assertion that the rockets from gaza must stop and hamas be wiped out entirely. there is no recognition that hamas is the legitimate government of gaza and any peace deal must be done with their representatives as government . peace deals with the corpses of women and children are very much a poor choice.

the zionists in isreal consider that they must eliminate the threat that they see as being on 'their' borders. equally, the palestinians see that they have only their lives to lose having lived in the world's largest gaol and suffering too many human rights abuses for too many years. their every move, their every day normal actions are judged and monitored as to whether that action is a threat to isreal. their very lives depend on the hated isreali!

as isreal feels threatened by the palestinians so too the gazans know they are threatened. after many years of physical, psychological and human rights abuses it seems to me that both sides have reached the frustration of m-a-d. mutually assured destruction. without nothing you have nothing to lose and i fear that unless a properly monitored cease fire happens then both sides will embrace that final solution.

isreal must stop the overkill. that is just a fact that must be done. the inhumane blockade must be lifted and the palestinians left to decide who will be their government. if hamas is duly freely elected then it is not the business of the zionists or the usa to negate that electoral outcome. hamas will also have to accept that the firing of rockets into isreal must stop also.

there cannot be any two-state solution any more, that is very plain to see. unless there is mutual agreement to return to the 1967 borders as pushed for by nelson mandela, among others. zionist representatives have stated that all of ancient palestine is theirs by the right of their god. that is not a legitimate claim unless one can prove the existence of that particular god and the concomitant gifting of that land. the lands have been used by both jews and muslims for millennia and both sects have a right to call it home. under present day circumstances the only real solution is a one state solution and, correctly, that is not a solution at all. either the idf take over the west bank entirely and push the resident palestinians into gaza or elsewhere or they do that and wipe out gaza as well. neither are acceptable except to isreal and the usa who still pour billions of dollars into the zionist coffers.

such hatreds from both sides leave very little hope that a long lasting peace will be possible. but what must be possible, no, certain, is that the ethnocide of the palestinians in gaza must cease once and for all. i admit to not knowing the long-term solution but i do know that the zionist final solution is just not acceptable.

attached is a letter signed by some federal and nsw politicians. it is telling that the greens, labor and independents members signed it but no coalition member did. ex-prime minister , however, did.


ray jackson
indigenous social justice association

prix des droits de l'homme de la republique fraincaise 2013
(french human rights medal 2013)

61 2 9318 0947
0450 651 063

we live and work on the stolen lands of the gadigal people

Australian MPs take action on Gaza

27 Jul 2014
Lee Rhiannon

The following letter has been signed by a number of Australian politicians. It has been covered by the ABC and SMH.

25 July 2014

We the undersigned members of Australian federal and state parliaments, call on all Australian politicians to condemn the ongoing Israeli military bombardment and invasion of Gaza.

We call on Australian politicians to support an immediate cessation of hostilities and a ceasefire deal which includes an end to Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories and to the blockade of Gaza.

We call on all Australian politicians to also support the United Nations Human Rights Council's decision to launch an independent inquiry into purported violations of international humanitarian and human rights laws in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.

Over 1200* Palestinians in Gaza have been killed, since Israel started its military attack on Gaza three weeks ago. The United Nations says at least 75 percent of the dead are civilians, including an estimated 168 children. In the last two days, Palestinian children have been killed at a rate of one per hour.

The rockets fired from Gaza are not in any way justified and insofar as they threaten and harm civilians are illegal under international law. However, these imprecise rockets cannot be compared with the broad-scale bombing of Gaza by Israel which has one of the world's largest military forces.

Collective punishment is not permitted under the Geneva conventions and is a war crime.

Hospitals, places of worship, and a centre for people with disabilities have been among the Israeli military's targets.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is providing shelter to more than 102,788 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The international community including Australia has a vital responsibility to put pressure on Israel to end its current military attack on Gaza and broker a solution of justice and peace.

*updated 30 July 2014

Signed by -
1. Maria Vamvakinou MP, Labor
2. Melissa Parke MP, Labor
3. Laurie Ferguson MP, Labor
4. Alan Griffin MP, Labor
5. Sharon Claydon MP, Labor
6. Adam Bandt MP, Greens
7. Barbara Perry MP, Labor
8. Andrew Giles MP, Labor
9. Paul Lynch MP, Labor
10. Jamie Parker MP, Greens
11. Lynda Voltz MLC, Labor
12. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC, Labor
13. David Shoebridge MLC, Greens
14. Dr Mehreen Faruqi MLC, Greens
15. Dr John Kaye MLC, Greens
16. Jeremy Buckingham MLC, Greens
17. Jan Barham MLC, Greens
18. Senator Claire Moore, Labor
19. Senator Nick Xenophon, Independent
20. Senator Christine Milne, Greens
21. Senator Lee Rhiannon, Greens
22. Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Greens
23. Senator Larissa Waters, Greens
24. Senator Janet Rice, Greens
25. Senator Richard Di Natale, Greens
26. Senator Penny Wright, Greens
27. Senator Rachel Siewert, Greens
28. Senator Scott Ludlam, Greens
29. Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, Greens
30. Senator Sue Lines, Labor
31. Tammy Franks MLC, Greens
32. Graham Perrett MP, Labor
33. Senator Anne Urquhart, Labor
34. Terri Butler MP, Labor
35. Julie Owens MP, Labor
36. Lisa Chesters MP, Labor
37. Senator Gavin Marshall, Labor
38. Senator Anne McEwen , Labor
39. Senator Carol Brown, Labor
40. Senator Doug Cameron, Labor
41. Cassy O'Connor MLA, Greens
42. Senator Jan McLucas, Labor
43. Lynn MacLaren MLC, Greens
44. Jill Hall MP, Labor
45. Jackie Trad MP, Labor
46. Malcolm Fraser, former Liberal Prime Minister
47. Shane Rattenbury MLA, Greens
48. Yvette Berry MLA, Labor
49. Bronwyn Halfpenny MP, Labor
50. Tony Piccolo MP, Labor
51. Andrew Wilkie MP, Independent
52. Senator Lisa Singh, Labor
53. Khalil Eideh MP, Labor
54. Lee Tarlamis MP, Labor
55. Johan Scheffer MP, Labor

Any Australian politician who would like to add their name to this letter may contact the office of Melissa Parke or Senator Lee Rhiannon: melissa.parke.mp@aph.gov.au or senator.rhiannon@aph.gov.au.


Dear friends,
I'm sure that like us, you've been horrified by the recent scenes from the occupied Palestinian territories.

Would you join us in signing an open letter calling on Julie Bishop, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, to take a strong international stance to promote women’s rights in the current conflict? (http://www.actionaid.org/australia/sign-our-open-letter-julie-Bishop)

This week, I've been speaking to my colleagues at the ActionAid office in Hebron and I've been so inspired by their bravery in still coming to work despite the awful situation in Gaza, just a few kilometres away.

In conflicts like this, women and children are always the most affected.

We need to let the Australian Government know that it must use its influence in the United Nations Security Council to ensure that women are not forgotten.

Join us in calling on the Government to use its influence in the Security Council to support:

- the protection of women and girls from all forms of violence in the conflict;

- equal participation of Palestinian and Israeli women in the resolution of the conflict and peace negotiations between Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.

If the Security Council doesn't act now, abuse, exploitation and violence will only increase. We cannot wait for the statistics before we take action.

You can see the full text of our open letter to Minister Bishop and sign it here.

I'll keep you updated on the response we get, and I can't thank you enough for your support.

With kindest regards,

Archie Law

Executive Director
ActionAid Australia

Headline wrong. Should read: ZIONAZI WAR CRIMES