Below the radar - Nuclear and Climate News


Radioactive Waste Court case. The traditional Aboriginal owners of the Muckaty area in Northern Territory continue their 7 year battle against radioactive waste dumping on their land. Their legal case continues, with hearings in Tennant Creek, Melbourne, and now back to the Northern Territory. The Government’s latest argument is that the radioactive trash dump can go ahead, even without the consent of the Aboriginal owners.

Uranium – Energy Resources of Australia expects an even huger loss this year, but, despite that, AND its environmental failures, NT and Federal govts have approved a restart of Ranger uranium mine. Paladin Energy’s share price collapses.

Left wing Australians are enjoying the gaffes of our pugilistic Prime Minister Tony Abbott. He is off on a world jaunt, almost certain to embarrass himself and Australia. However, it’s a pity that:

The Labor opposition keeps buying into the personal pugilism, instead of coming up with policies that are for the public good, and clearly different from the Abbott government’s.
The media , like schoolkids watching a playground fight, do not cover the policy issues, and what is really going on.
Abbott’s global tour:

France. Apart from Abbott connecting up the war heroes with the carbon tax and Australia being “open for business’, it’s pretty clear that the D.Day ceremonies fit well into the building push for a glorious ANZAC Day centenary in 2015. As one whose relatives did fight in WW2, one dying as result, I fear that it will turn out to be some sort of militaristic party – feeding in to Australia’s close role in USA’s military encirclement of China.

Canada. Abbott will meet P.M. Stephen Harper. On nuclear issues, they will be unanimous, if discreet. Ontario ‘s elections loom, but a non issue will be its planned nuclear power expansion. Both of Canada’s Liberal and Conservative parties are fans of the planned $25 billion expansion of nuclear power. Not only is the uranium industry (though financially failing) important to Canada, but Canada is the hub of the push for a new nuclear gimmicky export, thorium reactors. Propaganda for these has been successful in Australia, with backing from all sorts of influential people and organisations, especially in South Australia. So it is likely that thorium nuclear reactors, and even Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMRs) will be included in the government’s Energy White Paper – later this year.
But that's not all: Abbott and Harper are in lockstep about NOT acting on climate change, and in supporting the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)

USA Yes, the media is paying some attention to this one, since President Obama came out strongly for action on Climate Change. How will Tony Abbott wriggle out of this one? It has importance for the G20 meeting in Brisbane in November. Abbott maintains that Climate Change will not be a G20 agenda item. That is probably why Abbott may cancel planned meetings with the heads of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund – to avoid discussing that subject.
Renewable Energy. Mainly more bad news for Australia, as the International Renewable Energy Agency reports that Australia could reach 50% renewable energy by 2030, BUT, we’re actually going backwards instead.


Growing global movement to ban nuclear weapons.

Uranium industry. Financial analysts forecast doom an gloom

Japan. Fukushima. Record levels of Strontium-90 in nuclear reactor basements. Amid serious doubts, construction begins on underground ice wall to stop radiation leaks. Japanese court rules against the restart of two nuclear reactors. Japan’s Catholic Bishops warn against nuclear power, as P.M. Abe visits the Pope.

USA‘s nuclear waste problem remains in a right mess. with the failure of its MOX nuclear recycling program. Political attempts to kill wind energy, by foremost nuclear company Exelon, while it claims to be “green”. Senator Markey gives statistics on how nuclear whistleblowers are being harrassed. Nuclear industry pouring $millions into renewed propaganda push, with front group Nuclear Matters. Renewed political lobbying by nuke industry.

Canada. See above in Australian section. But also Canada’s nuclear regulator is allowing Pickering nuclear reactors to operate past their design limit. Nuclear industry plans propaganda campaign, especially in schools. $1 billion liability limit proposal, accepted by Canada’s nuclear industry.

China‘s nuclear plants face safety challenges. (Is near enough good enough?)

UK gambles with safety as it extends the limits on old nuclear power stations

Finland‘s Green Party in government, remains strongly opposed to nuclear power.

Italy – the forgotten military radioactive contamination of Sardinia

RENEWABLE ENERGY revolution will transform society. Energy storage will make it the winner. Warren Buffett backing new grid + renewables development.