Tax evasion, corrupt law enforcement & technology piracy

Private computer networks were around all over the world long before the internet, many groups traded software & literature & their were countless BBS systems which were used all over the world, their was no monopoly over the technolgy as their is today, for the systems & networks were run by everyday people, for eg: (Drink Or Die) one of the many software trading groups was said to be founded in 1993 in Moscow by a Russian with the handle "deviator" and a friend who went by the code name "CyberAngel." By 1995, the group was global, but this is debatable, it seems they always point the finger at the russians for being involved in dubious schemes, this is just so American corporations can have a monopoly over technology & rip off the world, "accuse the innovators of being russians", actually a Australian from the central coast code name Bandito (Hew Raymond Griffiths) was the head of DOD for many years & he was arrested & extradited to America on suspect charges which breached Australias soverignty to receive a crooked & corrupt 51 month jail term issued by the FBI. This occured when private computer networks known as BBS systems were seen to have too much prevelance around the world, supporters of the American corporate Internet which was just a (illegally pirated copy of earlier BBS networks like Fidonet & Skynet) wanted to push a point that only their network would be known as the global network & their network was of cause called the Internet. Google which is a American Internet company has still not been prosecuted in a court of law for acts of software piracy even though their Internet was built by pirating technology from earlier BBS networks such as Fidonet & Skynet. Google recieved a profit of $23.651 billion dollars in (2009) & all this money was earned illegally. Illegally earned by breaching many countries soverign laws with dubious arrests & court cases, pirateing & stealing technology that was developed by everyday people, in Europe, Australia & even America. Their is 80 billion dollars of unpaid taxes invested in the Isle of mans tax haven banks & their no doubt would be more money invested in Switzerlands tax haven banks & possibly more money invested in Vanuatu in the Pacific Ocean. Over 80 billion dollars of money which is suppose to be taxed hidden in Tax havens, (It is a crime to avoid tax), (and Piracy is a crime as well). Law enforcers should prosecute these companies who seek to invest money in so called tax havens, (why have a taxation system, when their are loopholes in the system). Mobile phone companies pirated BBS technology to use in their handheld mobile phones & they also are avoiding tax & are guilty of software piracy on a vast scale. And companies like google & their many supporters are also guilty of breaching countries soverignty & piracy, googles 23 billion dollars revenue last year was all illegally earned by pirating technology that was around before google & the internet & I would not be surprised if they were avoiding tax & their is no doubt they are avoiding paying royalties to countries governments for pirating these countries citizens technology. In Australia you are expected to drive a modern car, but whats the point when their is no money to maintain roads & other infrastructure, all account of technology piracy & tax evasion. Many mining companies have proclaimed that they will cease operations because of technology piracy & tax evasion.