Barrick Gold suing critical Canadian book publisher for $11 million

The sword of Damocles is still over the head of Éditions Écosociété…

Montreal, June 7th 2010

Two years ago Éditions Écosociété and the authors of Noir Canada (Black Canada) faced one of the most incredible censorship attempts to ever bear against a book in Québec: two SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) for $11 million, instituted by two international gold giants, Barrick Gold and Banro. It is clear today that powerful multinationals are legitimized to institute judicial action to “restore their reputation”, with no regard for the toll that that has on public debate and democracy.

More than ever, we know that the essence of freedom is not an absence of constraints, but a demanding duty. And also that it is never established, radically fragile, and always to be defended against all forms of unrivalled thought.

These two trying years have equally well been punctuated by many acts of solidarity, staggering testimonies of support and friendship, and innumerable acquaintances. To all those who have contributed in some way to supporting us in this struggle, thank-you.

Notable events of the year 2009-2010

The insurer of les Éditions Écosociété get involved in the case

About 50 years’ of annual revenue ($11 million in total) are sought from Éditions Écosociété for having published a critical essay that treats questions of public interest. Happily, this financial burden has been lightened by the intervention of the insurer of Éditions Écosociété, which recognized this year its obligation to defend the publishing house against the civil liability suit instituted by Barrick Gold. Our new attorneys from Langlois Kronström Desjardins are now working in the defense of the house. The authors of Noir Canada, on the other hand, do not benefit from insurance coverage, and continue to assume their defense thanks to the work of Maître Tamaro in Montreal and Maître William Macdowell in Ontario, and thanks to donations to the defense fund of Éditions Écosociété.

67 legal experts denounce the lawsuits

Called SLAPP’s by more than 12 000 citizens, including numerous politicians, intellectuals, and artists, but also by numerous movements and groups, the lawsuits instituted by Barrick Gold and Banro are currently denounced by 67 legal experts in the pages of Le Devoir, in the context of International Human Rights Day. For these professional legal experts, these lawsuits represent direct menaces to the freedom of expression of citizens, to the search of truth, and to the free exercise of public debate: “If we avoid questioning today the responsibilities of Canadian companies in foreign countries, it is our critical thought that we are renouncing.” Read the complete article: .

Stock holders ask Barrick for explanations

Stock holders of Barrick Gold consider that the actions taken by the multinational have all the characteristics of a SLAPP. In effect, the groups Bâtirente and Northwest & Ethical Investments are currently taking joint action against the mining company to express their apprehension and to insist on explanations. To read the letter from Bâtirente and Northwest & Ethical Investments to Barrick Gold: .

The date for the trial is set for September 2011

After more that 20 months of judicial proceedings, the date for the trial opposing Barrick Gold by Éditions Écosociété and by the authors of Noir Canada, Delphine Abadie, Alain Deneault, and William Sacher, has finally been set: September 2011. Forty days of hearings, spread over four months will be necessary to present the hundreds of pieces of evidence lodged as proof, as well as to hear the various witnesses, expert witnesses, and lawyers of the parties concerned. To learn more: .

Barrick blocks the publication of a work in Vancouver

Barrick Gold uses once again the judicial apparatus to intimidate not less than two editors, seven authors, and two translators! In effect, the multinational sent them a “preventive” warning concerning the eventual publication, by the publisher Talonbooks of Vancouver, of the book Imperial Canada Inc.: Legal Haven of Choice for the World’s Mining Industries, still at the manuscript stage! To read the press regarding this affair: .

Alain Deneault publishes his most recent book: Offshore

Alain Deneault, co-author of Noir Canada, has just published with Éditions Écosociété his new book, Offshore: Paradis fiscaux et souveraineté criminelle (Fiscal Paradise and Criminal Sovereignty).

“This book, one of the best and most complete on the subject, is a major contribution against the plague of fiscal paradises.”
Yves Michaud, Founding President of the mouvement d’éducation et de défense des actionnaires (MÉDAC – Movement for Education and the Defense of Stock Holders)

“Alain Deneault shows how the predators derive from a fiscal paradise the justification of their enrichment and hide there the harmfulness of their power.” Judge Jean de Maillard, Vice-President of the Tribunal de Grande Instance d’Orléans

To learn more: .

Speech is gold – Colourful evening for the 2nd anniversary of Noir Canada

April 22, the artists and authors, Paul Ahmarani, Paul Chamberland, Alain Deneault, Francis Dupuis-Déri, Bertin Dzangué, Lomomba Emongo, Jean-François Lessard, Maia Loinaz, Nadine Walsh & Stanley Péan, loaned their voices, in poetry, stories, and songs, to an emotional and colourful evening to celebrate free speech. All the details, the text of Alain Deneault, and several photos are accessible at this address: .

Écosociété launches its T-shirt Libre d’être … Écosociété (Free to be … Écosociété)

You can now proudly display your support of Éditions Écosociété and the authors of Noir Canada by wearing this superb T-shirt that celebrates the freedom of expression in all its forms.

The proceeds from the sale of these T-shirts will go to the legal defense fund, notably to come to the aide of the authors who do not benefit from the support of our insurer. To obtain a T-shirt: .

Thank-you for continuing to support us!

Les Éditions Écosociété continues to sollicit your financial aid, to be able to pursue this battle for the freedom of expression.

You can make a donation to the defense fund of Éditions Écosociété via its Internet site or by sending a cheque to the following address:

Les Éditions Écosociété
C.P. 32052, Comptoir Saint-André
Montréal (Québec) H2L 4Y5


Anne-Marie Voisard
Éditions Écosociété
C.P. 32052, Comptoir Saint-André
Montréal (Québec) H2L 4Y5
Téléphone: (514) 521-0913
Télécopieur: (514) 521-1283


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Barrick Gold do alot of enviromental damage to Australias water tables, dead animals & dead people will result from barricks Gold mining works