Free Indefinitely detained refugees

Date and Time: 
Monday, January 20, 2014 -
5:00pm to 6:00pm
State Library

Members of the Tamil community in Australia, are concerned about the indefinite detention of 46 refugees who have been detained for many years now, even though they have all been recognised by Australia as genuine refugees.

Almost all of these refugees are Tamils of Sri Lankan origin.

They are being held because they have negative security assessments by Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO). Negative ASIO decisions have effectively condemned these refugees to a life sentence.

No other country has found it necessary to detain Tamil refugees who fled Sri Lanka after the end of the war. Canada and the United Kingdom have thousands of Tamil asylum seekers and refugees living in their communities without any risk to the security of these countries.

Tamil community in Australia strongly believe that the elements of the racist Sri Lankan Government and its intelligence services extended their influence in the ASIO's negative security assessments of these refugees. The racist Sri Lankan Government and it's security agencies are known for their anti-Tamil activities and hold thousands of Tamils political prisoners without any charges, some for more than 15 years in their prisons.

Tamils worldwide call on the Australian Government release these people into the community and grant them a Protection Visa.
