How will we report on the G20? Brisbane activists forum asks.

Reporting in the year long lead up to the G20 has already been abysmal. With the CM running with bomb throwing anarchist allegations and a focus on the police build up, Brisbane activists are asking themselves (and each other) how can we report on civil society activities in a truly representative way and not just get caught up in the MSM spin.

"Brisbane Free University invites you to a panel discussion in anticipation of the G20 Summit that will be held in Brisbane in November this year. Potential topics for discussion include how Brisbane locals can report the G20 and other events in the city, as well as the broader role of media (traditional and contemporary) in building resistance movements. Each panellist will give a brief presentation, followed by time for general discussion.

When: Tuesday the 14th of January, 6.30 – 8.30 pm.
Where: Car park under the Westpac Bank, 89-91 Boundary St, West End.


Nic Seton grew up in Brisbane, but concern about climate justice took him overland to the UK. Nic is now the Community Strategist for Greenpeace UK. Today, digital story-telling is a central tool in growing and engaging with groups of citizens to effect change. Nic will present a variety of examples to inspire Brisbanites ahead of the G20, including one project he collaborated on, where six women climbed to the top of Europe tallest building to protest Arctic oil drilling, while being watched be nearly a quarter of a million people live online.

Jim Beatson was a radical activist at the University of Queensland in the late ‘60s and ‘70s. Jim’s career in media and journalism has included working for The Economist magazine (London), The Guardian (London and Australia) and the Australian Financial Review, along with contributing to The Washington Post, The Independent (London), The Observer (London), San Francisco Chronicle, Sydney Morning Herald, Time magazine, the BBC and ABC radio program. (For more info see Jim has also taught journalism at the University of Queensland, Griffith University and the University of Technology Sydney, been a successful co-author of two radio and one television metro-wide station license applications and has developed and written the media curriculum for TAFE, NSW. He is one of the founders of 4ZZZ, the National Radio News network and was a member of the Whitlam Government’s Working Party which first developed Community Radio in Australia. Since moving to Byron Shire he has worked on resourcing existing community-based institutions and working as Research Officer for Byron “Greens” Mayor, Simon Richardson.

Andrew Bartlett was a Senator for 10+ years and a political activist before and after that. He was also involved with community radio 4ZZZ in the 1980s and continues to be so today. Andrew is a contributor to/user of social, independent and mainstream media.

Ben Pennings is the publisher of Generation Alpha (, and coordinator of Over Our Dead Bodies ( Generation Alpha is actively involved in BrisCAN-G20, an emerging multi-organisational resistance and response to the November staging of G20 in Brisbane.

Looking forward to seeing some of you there, and throughout the year. As always, if anyone has any ideas or feedback, or tip-offs for great speakers, don't hesitate to let us know.

Warm Regards,
Briohny (for BFU)"

Facebook event link: