Howard and Krudd should be charged with crimes against humanity

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

the resignation of malcolm fraser from the liberal party clearly shows the depths of callousness and insensitivity that the abbot-led coalition, with some few exceptions, has sunk to in their lust to regain government.

not surprisingly, the krudd government, instead of taking the high moral and humane position, has answered the anti-asylum stance of the opposition by sinking even lower in their grab for the racist xenophobic vote that the coalition is also pandering to.

asylum seekers returned to their country of origin have been tortured and/or killed. this did not bother the last government under john howard and apparently is even less worthy of consideration by krudd and his cohorts.

to argue that sri lanka and afghanistan are 'safe' is incredible and is so patently false that both howard and krudd should be charged with crimes against humanity. at least abbot admitted to the telling of lies. all politicians, like police officers, lie. it is as much a part, they would argue an important part, of their daily duties that all know the lying goes on but no one wants to admit to it.

how's that for political correctness?

my disgust levels against the greater majority of politicians grows daily. like fraser there are some too few who will speak out against what is being done in our name.

the majority do not speak on my behalf. they do not speak for me.