ISJA rally DPP

Contact Phone: 
0450 651 063
Date and Time: 
Friday, September 20, 2013 -
12:30pm to 1:30pm
Contact Name: 
Ray J
175 liverpool street in the city (sydney)

arising from all these legal machinations [see ] we offer our kisses to the pic and to present the kicks to the dpp we will be holding another rally outside of 175 liverpool street in the city beginning at 12.30pm on friday 20 september, 2013. we will be loudly calling on mr babb to allow all three of the above cases to be processed in a legal and proper manner so that corrupt police will learn once and for all that we, the public, will no longer accept the legal star-chambers that are foisted upon us by governments and their systems of lies and unaccountability.
come join us and make your voice heard.
