Beyond Zero Emissions Discussion Group with Sally Moxham

Date and Time: 
Monday, June 7, 2010 -
6:30pm to 8:00pm
2nd Floor, Kindness House, 288 Brunswick St, Fitzroy

The Climate Change Act in Scotland - what are the lessons for Victoria?

A discussion with Sally Moxham, who has long worked in the
sustainability field, and who has just spent a year heading up the
Energy Efficiency and Microgeneration Policy Unit in the Scottish
Government. While in Scotland she worked on the Scottish Climate
Change Act - which sets out greenhouse emissions reduction targets of
42% by 2020 and 80% by 2050. Sally will speak about her experiences,
namely her work on the Scottish Government's ambition on energy
efficiency and microgeneration front as they relate to the built

Please note: We are back at Kindness House this month.
