Petition "Remove Tony Abbott from Prime Minister"

I just signed the petition "Tony Abbott: Liberal Party: Remove Tony Abbott from Prime Minister" on

Here are just 4 of the many reasons to sign and show your rejection of Tony Abbott and his policies:

Tony Abbott's cuts of $4.5 billion in foreign aid will result in the deaths of more than 440,000 people in this electoral term:

Pensions for people like me with major anxiety problems will get cancelled, meaning I'll have to leave Sydney and move back into my Grandparents house, unable to do the TAFE library work course I want to do, and unable to work in a library. I will thus be in a rural area with low job opportunities, and only able to get dole payments, forced to apply for many high-stress jobs (failing most job interviews) where I will be highly anxious, unhappy and perform poorly:

Refugee boats will be kept a secret - will they really be stopped?

Australia will resume the Howard era environmental destruction and climate change that threatens to devastate our planet:

So... would you please sign this petition and share it with others, as I did? Here's the link:

Thankyou, friends


"Rise like lions after slumber,
in unvanquishable number.
Shake your chains to earth like dew,
which in sleep had fallen on you.
Ye are many, they are few."
- Shelley
