We were great yesterday

Pictured is Mary, a 91 year-old GetUp member, who teamed up with Melissa, an 18 year-old first-time voter to cover a polling booth yesterday. Phots like these came in all day, and they're truly, truly beautiful.

Mary handing out scorecards

Our movement is bigger and more active than we have ever been before. Mary is one of thousands of people who volunteered at over 800 polling booths across the nation, sparking conversation after conversation. GetUp members made a real impact. Look how great you look!

Collage of GetUp members

And voters loved it. We kept hearing how helpful and informative our scorecards were. And how helpful GetUp members were. Here's just a few of the hundreds of messages we received:

Twitter feed from voters

Everywhere I looked, I saw orange.

  • Orange shirts - worn by over 6,000 passionate volunteers
  • Orange scorecards - 2.4 million of them
  • An orange app/website called OzVote - that was seen by over 600,000 people in the previous 24 hours!
  • Have a look at it all here: bit.ly/getupelection

Yesterday we didn't just reach over 3 million voters (3 million!) -- we set the stage, for this positive, powerful movement to hold the next Parliament accountable, whoever forms Government.

Because of you, yesterday has the best day of my year - I just can't stop smiling.

We've put together a blog of hundreds more photos, stories, tweets and more. Have a look at bit.ly/getupelection

Yesterday, we won.
And today, we're ready.

Thanks for all that you do,
