Refugees, Racism & the Politics of Fear: Rebuilding the Refugee Rights Movement

Contact Phone: 
9639 8622
Date and Time: 
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 -
6:30pm to 8:00pm
Resistance Centre Level 5, Druids House 407 Swanston St, city (opposite RMIT)

Ramesh Fernandez, RISE Refugee
Sue Bolton, Refugee Action Collective
Stuart Harrison, Resistance

Rudd went to the 2007 election with the promise
of a humane refugee policy. He did so because
the refugee rights movement that emerged in the
Howard years became powerful enough to
influence politics in Australia.

Labor’s decision to suspend processing new
refugees arriving by boat from Afghanistan and
Sri Lanka is a continuation of the previous
Howard Government’s racist refugee policies.

Both major parties are scape-goating refugees
to distract attention from their neoliberal policies.

All welcome for this important discussion.
