Tony wants to speak for us. Here's what he says

My family friend Kathy has voted Liberal all her life. This weekend, over Sunday lunch, she asked me "how are we letting him get away with this?"

She was talking about Tony Abbott's views on women. And on refugees. And on same sex couples, and "on, well, equality and compassion - full stop."

Kathy's right. If we don't stand up for our progressive values, no one else will. If we don't hold Tony Abbott to account for his views, they'll go unchallenged right through to election day -- when, according to today's polls, he will become our next Prime Minister. Click here to see our latest ad, featuring his views and spoken by GetUp members:

Every week Tony Abbott makes another comment that reveals very concerning social views. Commentators blow them off as "gaffes", but this isn't about gaffes. It's about values.

It's about our national character if our Prime Minister labels refugees who seek our help as "illegal", even as they exercise their legal, human right to flee danger.

It's about the message we send to young gay and lesbian Australians, if our Prime Minister talks about their equality as a "passing fashion," and what that does to their self-esteem.

It's about our values if a Prime Minister talks to "the housewives of Australia as they're doing their ironing," says his colleagues are "not just a pretty face" and have "sex appeal" and calls on his opponent to "make an honest woman of herself".

Prime Ministers reflect our national values, and have the power to change them radically. Does what Tony Abbott says matter? Well, in 17 days he wants to be speaking for all of us. Click here to watch the new ad featuring GetUp members:

Together last election, we raised over $300,000 to put a similar version of this ad on air. It was called "the most effective ad of the election." Let's chip in again, and take this updated ad even further.

Let's not let Tony Abbott's views on social values, and issues affecting women go unexamined and unchallenged. We've had too many people like Kathy asking "how are we letting him get away with this?" And too many men like me wondering what we can do, because we're fed up with people thinking Tony Abbott speaks for Australian men. Whatever your story, let's make sure he knows that he doesn't speak for us.

Let's speak up,
Sam for the GetUp team.