Game of Thrones Australia

It's the most downloaded TV series in history -- and now it just may be the best way to help your friends understand the power of their vote. Check out our new video and click here to share it with any Game Of Thrones fans you know. Share it with everyone!

GetUp was born in a pivotal moment in Australian political history -- the very day John Howard took control of the Senate. It was a disaster under Howard, and now we are at risk of history repeating under Tony Abbott.

Many GetUp members understand how the Senate is crucial to our democracy, but the importance is lost on most Australians.

A range of views in the Senate is critical to a healthy democracy, but this is a notoriously difficult message to communicate. We think we have the antidote and have created a product that most Australians should recognise: based on popular TV show Game of Thrones.

With your support, and a few GetUp volunteers in starring roles, we've made an informative yet entertaining video we think will help explain the importance of this issue to the broadest audience possible:

Click here to watch the video, or click here to share it with friends & family on Facebook.

Google has just announced that GetUp! is Australia's top political campaigner on YouTube, with more subscribers and total videos views than all three political parties combined!1There is one reason for that: YOU.

You watch and share videos with your friends and family - creating the most effective online political voice in Australia. Click here to check out the video, or click here to share it with friends.

Getting the message out relies on you sharing it far and wide. If there's one thing we know by now, it's that this is something our movement is great at. Let's see if we can make the unsexy, (a bicameral parliamentary structure...what?) sexy (the hottest TV show around, with swords, dragons and castles).

And let's not forget the issue's importance: with control of the Senate, Howard gave us WorkChoices, the NT intervention, and sold off Telstra -- without any scrutiny or debate. Whatever your political colours, that's not good for democracy.

But hardly anyone knows or cares (or knows they should care) about the Senate. We're hoping that you, me, and a few Game of Thrones characters could change that this election.

Check out the video, share it as far and wide as you can, and let's just see if we can save the Senate.

Click here to watch the video, or click here to share it on Facebook.

Thanks for making the Senate sexy,
The GetUp team

PS -- "Election is coming! Spread the word!" Check out our cheeky new video about the Senate, using popular TV show Game of Thrones. It's role? To prevent an Abbott take over of the Senate. Your role? Send the carrier raven messengers out to spread the word! Click here to share the video:

PPS - Had trouble with the links in this email? Click here to watch the video on the GetUp website:

[1] Google launches Youtube channel for the Federal Election. Mumbrella, August 15th, 2013.