ray jackson reporting on a few loose ends, some new ends and walkabout

time to report on a few loose ends, some new ends and walkabout.

in the death in custody case of peter clarke arising from an extreme illness in the alice springs gaol and his belated transfer to the alice springs hospital and his subsequent death, we are still waiting for his circumstances to be heard by the nt coroner, greg cavanagh. this is set to occur in october, 2013.

the move to this date was to allow his daughter, kylie hampton, to go through an accepted difficult birth, for various medical reasons, and kylie is due to give birth next week. we quite naturally wish kylie and her family all the best in this endeavour. this will also allow at least a month to pass before she faces the trauma of a coroner's court.

i also previously advised that we needed to put more financial effort into the 'peter clarke justice fund' and the family and i are pleased to accept the continued effort that has been made in this urgent plea.

Westpac Banking Corporation ABN33007457141.

Account: Peter Clarke Justice Fund 034203 333046

Branch name: MOUNT ISA

Current $2,875.52 CR


Available $2,875.52 CR


This page is current as at 31/07/2013 13:18:25 EST. This is not an official statement and is subject to change.

to those who have given we sincerely thank you for your generosity and your recognition of the need we are faced with to fight for justice for peter clarke, his family and isja. to those who may still be contemplating making a donation, of any size, to the above account. we will only receive the justice we can pay for. there is no free justice in this country!

in the matter of the death in custody of mr briscoe who was allowed to die whilst being held in 'protective custody' in the alice springs police cells. the coroner, greg cavanagh, was absolutely scathing of the total lack of duty of care by the police officers on duty that night, especially those police who had assaulted him and denied any medical assistance to him. based only on their arrogant and racist views, perhaps bordering on a pathological hate, that the life of an aboriginal man was not worthy of any care or concern.

previous recommendations from coroner cavanagh, after several police deaths in custody, were ignored along with the claim that there was no government funding to place full-time nurses into the nt police watch-houses.

daniel taylor and isja have carefully crafted several legal arguments based on the nt criminal code in letters to the nt chief minister in his role as police minister and to the nt attorney-general asking why those police on duty on the night that mr briscoe died should not face cogent charges in a court of law for their endemic racism and failure to impliment their duty of care.

to date, we have been ignored. apparently our concerns are of no interest to the nt government, neither our calls for justice. their ignorance, however, does not deter us one whit and we will now write to the new chief minister who, as an aborigine, may be and should be, more sympathetic to finding real justice for the briscoe family.

concerning the death in custody of 17 year old tj hickey at the hands of the redfern police back in 2004, i have reported on our meeting with the nsw attorney-general, greg smith, and have posted his letter to gail hickey and isja advising us of three avenues perhaps worthy of consideration whilst stating that it was his view the state government and their police force have no case to answer.

that is his view, we have a different view and we are consulting with the hickey family as to whether they wish to now approach the new state coroner to re-open the case, or to approach the police integrity commission or, finally, attempt to find a legal team willing to take the matter to the supreme court, calling for a new investigation and inquest.

the case of the alleged 2009 suicide of veronica baxter at the nsw metropolitan remand and reception gaol at silverwater has not left our concerns as to why she died. nsw justice health, i firmly believe have a case to answer and we will do all in our somewhat truncated power to push this case on.

we await to assist in any way possible the family of roberto laudisio curti in their next legal move.

the brutal and savage death of john pat by roebourne police in 1983 also fills our minds as we ready ourselves for the 30th anniversary national day of action when rallies, marches, forums, whatever is required to bring alive once more those victims who have died within the australian custodial system. on 28/9/13 isja will be marching from the sydney town hall to first fleet park to not only remember john pat but to remember so many others.

others like eddie murray who died in 1981 in a wee waa police cell the first coroner found that young eddie could not have fashioned the noose so made a finding that eddie 'had died at the hand or hands of someone unknown'. eddie was one out in a police cell. only the cops could have killed him. the clothing he had been arrested in were destroyed and he was redressed in clothes that were not his. still much to find and answer here.

douglas bruce scott died in berrimah gaol, darwin in february, 1985 having been assaulted and murdered by four gaol officers. my sister, much respected and sadly deceased, fought for over 20 years of punishing battles to get justice. justice angel of the nt supreme court a few years ago could not come to a firm decision on the guilt of the four officers, despite clear evidence to the contrary and thus came down with an 'open finding.' a no decision outcome that assisted greatly in letty's death.

there are of course so many more! david gundy. anthony cain. troy kemble. anthony john welsh. just in nsw and among so many others also worthy of note.

another matter of note is the isja push for justice due to the assault on both the aboriginal flag and isja/occupy sydney member, colleen fuller, during the massive overplay of the eviction of occupy sydney on 5 july, 2013.

to date we have attended a town hall meeting of the lord mayor and the councillors who passed a motion that allowed us to meet with council ceo, monica barone, and garry harding, director of city operations. they argued that council employees had no case to answer and agreed to obtain the cctv footage from council cameras in martin place. this was followed by a viewing of the police footage taken on the day of the assaults and the eviction. some days later we viewed the council footage.

we are now looking for a legal team who will represent colleen and isja against the sydney council and the rocks police. we also need to re-meet with monica and garry to clarify certain conditions and circumstances.

excision is becoming a favourite word of governments when they criminally attempt to excise asylum seekers from legally coming to an excised australia that has also been excised from the un declatration on the rights of refugees, all being given the impramature of the excision of the government's excision of having any moral standing in the world!

but again it is time for an aboriginal nation, the second, to excise their traditional lands from the invasion governments, both historically and currently, and to declare by right that they are an independant aboriginal nation within the stolen lands known as australia. more strength to you and your people, michael.

National Indigenous Radio Service
Euahlayi Nation breaks away from the Commonwealth
Posted on August 13, 2013
By Michelle Tuahine

The Euahlayi Nation of Goodooga in the upper western region of NSW, has declared
Independence from the Commonwealth.

The Euahlayi say they've made the move based on evidence from the Commonwealth proving
they never ceded their sovereignty.

They're the second group in Northern New South Wales to have declared independence in the
past three months.

Euahlayi statesman Michael Anderson says they are now faced with asserting their statehood and
building a state from the start.


there is of course more to say but i am off on walkabout so for the next 11 days these posts will not be annoying you. i hope all of you and yours the best of peace and quiet!!!!


ray jackson
indigenous social justice association

(m) 0450 651 063
(p) 02 9318 0947
address 1303/200 pitt street waterloo 2017


we live and work on the stolen lands of the gadigal people.

sovereignty treaty social justice