Christine Milne will join Abbott-Rudd debate on twitter and facebook

Tomorrow night is the first of the federal election campaign debates.

Election debates are supposed to be a contest of ideas and leadership.

We won’t see much of that on television tomorrow night.

With the Greens shut out of the first election debate between Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott, there will be no voice for strong action on global warming, no voice for a caring approach for refugees, no voice you can trust on the environment.

I know you agree – Australian Greens Leader Christine Milne should be part of the debate.

Because of your action, for the first time we have seen the decision to shut the Greens out questioned.

Journalists have been telling Christine about the strong support they’ve seen online for her to speak in the debates. It’s working.

There will be more debates and together we can keep the pressure up to see the Greens included.

For tomorrow night – we won’t let the old parties shut us out completely. We can reach thousands of Australians online in ways we couldn’t even three years ago.

Christine will be responding live to the debate questions from 6.30pm tomorrow night, on Twitter and on Facebook.

Make sure to join her online and share her answers far and wide.

Thanks for your support – because of you, our voice is stronger.


P.S. Christine spoke with people across Australia on Thursday night, launching the Greens’ plan for Australian food. Can you imagine Rudd or Abbott announcing complex policies, explaining them without bickering, or taking more than an hour to answer questions properly?

That’s why Christine needs to be in the debates. We’ll be in touch with more ways to keep up the pressure soon, but for now: put it in your diary to join in tomorrow night on Facebook & on Twitter.
