There is another way

People need to know there is a safe and compassionate alternative to the cruel policies of the old parties.

Please share our new plan to care for refugees.
There is another waySHARE

Yesterday we launched our compassionate and legal refugee policy. We introduced our policy in the wake of Abbott’s announcement, that if elected, he will expand Nauru’s tent ‘city’ to hold 5000 asylum seekers - despite riots last week caused by the ‘cruel and degrading’[1] conditions.

We’ve never seen a race to the bottom like it, and they’re getting away with it by telling Australians that there’s no other option. That’s why it’s so important for people to know that there is a safe and compassionate alternative that will save lives.

Can you help us tell people that there is another way by sharing our new plan to care for refugees?

The last fortnight has highlighted the lengths to which the old parties will go to try and win votes at the expense of the lives, dignity and rights of some of the world’s most vulnerable people. If Australians knew that there was a safe, humane alternative to sending desperate people to struggling country like Papua New Guinea or Nauru - they would support it.

Our solution is the only one on the table that has been tried and tested. We’ve based our policy on the lessons learnt from resettling asylum seekers after the Vietnam War - click here to spread the word that there is another way.

While there is war and persecution, there will be people who need somewhere safe and secure to live. Sending them to Nauru or Papua New Guinea if they arrive on boats will do nothing but increase their trauma.
We were in the headlines yesterday. Today can you keep the conversation going by sharing this with your friends?

Here’s to a real alternative solution,

Sarah Hanson-Young

P.S. Last week we wrote to you asking you to contribute to help us cut through the old parties’ fear campaigns. Thanks to the generous contribution of Greens supporters we are well on our way to raising enough funds to launch a national campaign to tackle the myths. Thank you.

