Where the wild things are

Our new Environment Minister is just days away from approving a mine that will threaten the last-known healthy population of endangered Tasmanian devils.

Just last week the Federal Court overturned the Government's approval of the mine, claiming Minister Tony Burke made a fatal decision in approving the mine without paying due attention to the conservation advice for the endangered Tasmanian devil. Now - just six days later - the same mine is up for approval again, and the new Minister Mark Butler could give it his stamp of approval as soon as Friday.

Today, Minister Butler is visiting towns in the region, and meeting with groups like Save the Tarkine, who have fought hard to protect the Tassie Devil and the Tarkine. Let's make sure the Minister knows there's a groundswell of community support behind them.

Click here to contact Minister Butler and demand mining in this critical Devil habitat doesn't go ahead:


Seven days ago, the headlines were victorious: "Campaigners hail 'great day for the Tasmanian devil' as court halts mine"1. But it could all be undone if the Minister Butler caves to industry pressure, and approves the mine in the next four days.2

This mine could spell the end of the last remaining healthy Tasmanian Devils.3 Without strong, sustained community and national pressure, Minister Butler could get away with making a hasty decision on the future of conservation for the Tasmanian devil.

We can make sure he doesn't make that decision lightly. Click here to let him know you won't sit by and allow mining in the habitat of our last remaining healthy Devils:


For years, GetUp members have been in the fight to protect Tasmania's forests and the Tarkine. Together, we've run ads in the paper, arranged for former Environment Minister Tony Burke to visit the area along with GetUp members before assessing applications, and GetUp members continue to campaign for the precious Tarkine region to be World Heritage Listed.

This mine might be just one of many, but there's much at stake. Local papers are reporting that the decision Minister Butler makes this week, on this mine, could set a precedent for other mines - many of which are in the deep wilderness of Tasmanian forests. A green light on this mine could influence how much mining companies like Shree Minerals think they can push the boundaries all over the region - where more than 50 endangered species of flora and fauna reside.

Today, Minister Butler was in Bernie, one of the closest towns to the Tarkine region. He met with local advocates, who are fighting to save the Tarkine and protect the Tassie Devil. We need him to know that the rallying cry to protect the Tarkine isn't just a priority for locals. The whole country will be closely watching as he deliberates on this important decision on our threatened native species. Will you take 5 minutes to email Mark Butler, urging him not to mine the Tarkine?


In hope,

the GetUp team

[1] Campaigners hail 'great day for the Tasmanian devil' as court halts mine, The Guardian, 17th July 2013
[2] Butler's Shree Mine Decision, ABC, 24th July 2013.
[3] Minister ignored real risk to devil from iron ore mine, Brisbane Times, 23rd July 2013.
