Meet With your Greens!

Date and Time: 
Thursday, May 13, 2010 -
6:30pm to 9:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
MU Greens on Campus
Gate 6 Swanston St, University of Melbourne, Entry through alley beside Arts Centre on Swanston st

A night of drinks, mingling, nibblies and then speeches from our local State and Federal Greens candidates!

Adam Bandt - Federal Candidate - Seat of Melbourne
Cyndi Dawes - Candidate for Brunswick
Kathleen Maltzahn - Candidate for Richmond
Brian Walters - State Candidate - Melbourne
James Searle - Candidate for Eltham (and Uni Student at Swinburne!)
Anne Martinelli - Candidate for Northcote
Alex Bhathal - Candidate for Batman
Colin Long - South Eastern Metropolitan (state upper house) - we think!

Unconfirmed: Greg Barber MP; and any other wonderful Greens people who would like to come!

Bring along yourself and any friends who are interested in the Greens or who just want to find out more. This is a wonderful opportunity to interact with Candidates in an casual environment. Club Members and non-members welcome :)

Tsubu is fully licensed till 1am, and the kitchen will be open for meals (nibblies provided and if we get enough people then there will be a deal for cheap drinks!).
