Greens launching 2013 election platform

The Greens Plan for a Better Australia

Today the Australian Greens are launching our 2013 election platform, Standing up for What Matters: a healthy environment, caring society and clean economy. 

READ THE PLANToday the Australian Greens are launching our 2013 election platform, Standing up for What Matters: a healthy environment, caring society and clean economy.

I want you to be the first to read it - It’s because of you that we can achieve it.

The reforms made possible because of your support over the past three years are remarkable. The Clean Energy Package, steps towards putting dental into Medicare, and so much more - all because 1.6 million Australians voted Green.

Standing with the community, we have achieved so much. But there is more to do.

As someone who has supported us I wanted to share our vision with you first.

The Greens plan outlines the measures we need to build a caring Australia, to protect our precious environment and to create a new future-ready, diversified, innovative economy. 

It is not an idealistic vision or pie-in-the-sky offering. We have outlined not only what we need to do – but also how it is to be paid for. Every policy announced by the Australian Greens this election will be fully costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office. We will collect the revenue to pay for every single one of our policies.

Read our plan and share our vision if you agree.

We are the strong, honest party who will stand up to those who protect their own interests to the detriment of the environment and deny everyone else a fair go. It is the Greens who will stand up for what matters.

I am proud to be launching our plan today – I hope you are too.

Thank you,

Senator Christine Milne
