It's the largest humanitarian crisis in the world today


Urgent call for help: Syria


You’ll have heard about the situation in Syria — but what you may not know is just how much it has escalated recently, and what this actually means for the people.

From a rat-infested apartment in Lebanon, twelve year old Syrian refugee, Reema told us: 

"I was at school when it was bombed. Some of the children were killed. We all ran away. We thought they bombed all schools all over the world."  

At just twelve Reema has seen tragedies to last three lifetimes. She’s lucky to have escaped Syria with her life. But now her parents have no money and no hope of going home. 

Like many of the 1.6 million Syrian refugees, Reema’s family have only just survived the coldest winter on record, and they’ll soon face a wave of diseases when summer comes. 

We must raise $350,000 to provide families like Reema’s with food, shelter, and clean water before the end of this month, so we can get these essential provisions to more than 650,000 people.

The conflict has already claimed 93,000 lives. Please donate now to keep children like Reema, and their families, safe. 

Many thanks for your ongoing support.

Dr Helen Szoke
Chief Executive, Oxfam Australia

P.S. We urgently need to reach people like Reema and her family before the end of 23 July, so please don’t delay — donate as much as you can afford today  



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