Traditional Owners and the Protect Arnhem Land community campaign (based in Maningrida) are seeking the assistance of environment groups and Indigenous networks in Sydney to help raise awareness of the threat to Arnhem Land from oil and gas exploration.
Five traditional owners are travelling from Maningrida to Sydney in mid July and will hold a public event in Martin Place outside the offices of Paltar Petroleum at midday on Friday 19 July.
Arnhem Land is under threat from fossil fuel companies and need your help. 90% of the land and all the nearshore waters are being targeted for exploration. These are some of the most ecologically uintact areas left in Australia, and the ancestral lands of thousands of Indigenous Territorians.
The traditional owners have requested help from your respective networks to attend the public event, listen to speeches from Eddie Mason and Alice Eather, enjoy customary dance and music about their sea country and dreaming places (performed by two members of the Diama Group from Maningrida), and paint their hands blue in show of support of Protect Arnhem Land community campaign – see
The Wilderness Society and Australian Martine Conservation Society are generously assisting in supporting the travel costs of the traditional owners. Thanks!!
The Wilderness Society is also very generously organising the public event, and will be handling all things media wise.
If you are able to assist in helping mobilise your members, supporters and networks to attend and participate in the event on 19 July that would be GREAT. Please contact Kaine Johnson in TWS Sydney (CCed) or Gav McFadzean (CCed) for details.
I will be on leave from tomorrow lunch till 15 July.
Many thanks
Stuart Blanch | Director
T (08) 8941 7439 | M 0448 887 303 | E | W
GPO Box 2120, Darwin NT 0801 | Unit 3/98 Woods Street, Darwin Northern Territory - Australia

Previous coverage
Northern Land Council wants fracking halt - ABC
Locals concerned over NLC fracking 'push' - ABC News (Australian ...
Traditional owners burn Arnhem Land fracking plan - ABC News ...
Views fracture on future of fracking in Territory - ABC News ...
WGAR News: Arnhem Land Traditional Owners call for an end to ...
Concern over fracking in Arnhem Land by ABCRadioNational on ...
Intervention for theft of Aboriginal resources - support protest
this protest raises the government reasons for their intervention into the 73 communities, just to open the traditional lands for the theft of the aboriginal resources. the lands and nations are ours by birthright and more than 60 000 years of history. the resources are ours by right also.
no amount of theft, no amount of white-blindfold-history, no assimilation, no english constitution nor reconciliation based on genocide will allow the facts of our rights to be white-washed away.
all good australians of sound and moral mind must protest the theft of aboriginal lands. supporting our brothers and sisters in arnhem land to save their lands and culture from the voracious governments and multinationals in their lust for taxes and profits that go overseas.
please contact your groups to assist in this matter and, if possible, show your solidarity by attending the protest in martin place on 19 july, 2013.
contact the wilderness society for further information.
The Wilderness Society Sydney, Office: Suite 402, 64-76 Kippax St, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010
Postal address: PO Box K249, Haymarket, NSW, 1240
Phone: 02 9282 9553 Fax: 02 9282 9557 Email:
ray jackson, pesident, indigenous social justice association
(m) 0450 651 063
(p) 02 9318 0947
address 1303/200 pitt street waterloo 2017
we live and work on the stolen lands of the gadigal people.
sovereignty treaty social justice
ABC report: How loud will the Aboriginal voice be?
How loud will the Aboriginal voice be as activism looks to the future?
July 17-19th Arnhem Land Traditional Owners in Sydney
July 17-19th
Arnhem Land Traditional Owners in Sydney
Protest Action @ Paltar HQ 12pm July 19 + Kimberley Celebration Presentation
5 Amazing Traditional Owners from Arnhem Land are coming to Sydney to raise awareness and garner support on their mission to stop Paltar Petroleum from drilling in their sea country, just off the coast of the Northern Territory. We’re lucky to have them at speak at the Kimberley celebration on the 18th, and then on the Friday afterwards, we’ll be gathering outside Paltar HQ in Martin Place sending the message that the Wilderness Society supports the TOs, rejects Paltar’s attempts to drill offshore and get media attention on the issue.
COME ALONG AND SUPPORT at both the Kimberley Celebration and the action.
Traditional Owners seeking your assistance to save Arnhem Land from oil and gas companies
Thursday 18 July 6:30pm
GT Hotel Sydney (formerly the Gaelic Club), 64 Devonshire Street Surry Hills NSW
The free event will feature: The Traditional Arnhem Land Dancers, The Barefoot Band (featuring Benjamin Goldstein from ‘The Voice’), The Rhythm Hunters, and Traditional Owners from Arnhem Land speaking about the battle to save their sea country from American resources giant Paltar Petroleum.
More info: