Muckaty radioactive waste bill to be voted on tomorrow - opposition update 12 May 2010

By Nat Wasley, Beyond Nuclear Initiative

(Pictured at left are Muckaty traditional owners)

With the National Radioactive Waste Management Bill scheduled to be voted on in the Senate on Thursday (May 13), the campaign against a radioactive waste dump at Muckaty, 120 kms north of Tennant Creek in the NT, is at a very important stage and there are lots of opportunities for people to support Traditional Owners and the Barkly community and make this a national issue and embarrassment for the Rudd Government.

1- Senate Report

On Friday May 7 a Senate Inquiry into the controversial plan gave a green light to Resource Minister Martin Ferguson’s planned waste dump law.

This is despite Muckaty Traditional Owners, legal experts, national environment groups and Aboriginal organisations like the Central Land Council condemning the legislation.

Thank you to everyone who donated to help support the Muckaty Traditional Owners to attend the hearing in Darwin. 18 people made the 2000km round trip to present to the Inquiry and participate in a public meeting and rally outside the hearing.

The report can be viewed at:

Senator Scott Ludlam and the Greens wrote an excellent dissenting report, which can be downloaded from the same link as above.

The media release from the Beyond Nuclear Initiative in response is at

Transcripts from the hearings can be read at:

2- National Radioactive Waste Management Bill

The National Radioactive Waste Management Bill is now scheduled to be voted on in the Senate on Thursday (May 13).

The Bill borrows heavily from the current Howard-era legislation that Labor called ‘heavy-handed’ and ‘sordid’ when in opposition.

Minister Martin Ferguson is hoping to push the legislation through quickly to maintain political momentum and bury it from media attention during the budget period.

However, should Ferguson’s dump legislation be passed this week it is far from the end of the story and we will be stepping up the campaign both across the NT and nationally.

3- Upcoming campaign events

The campaign against Muckaty is gathering strength. Lawyers are meeting with Traditional Owners opposed to the dump in Tennant Creek again this week to further explore legal options and a new film “Muckaty Voices” has been distributed to Labor politicians and uploaded to youtube.

The official launch of the film will be done to coincide with the Senate vote so please be ready to forward the youtube link and accompanying information that will be emailed (media release and statements from Muckaty people) to all of your contacts and networks in Australia and overseas.

Minister Ferguson has also been the target of regular actions in his electorate in Melbourne, noting that "Every time I go to my electorate office lately, I hear about the latest protests, that's part of life” (ABC- March 29). Great work by the Friends of the Earth- Antinuclear and Clean Energy Collective (ACE) for keeping up the humbug and raising the profile of the issue in the Minister's electorate !

Muckaty Traditional Owners will be meeting with the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) executive members next week to discuss joint community-trade union initiatives to resist the Muckaty plan.

A photo exhibition, Maunu-Wangku (Muckaty) is currently on display in Melbourne and will be available to tour nationally. For Melbourne exhibition details please contact or 03 9419 8700 and to book it for your town/city please contact

4- How you can help:

When the “Muckaty Voices” film package is officially released please circulate it widely – people need to hear directly from the affected people who are fighting to keep their country and community free of nuclear waste.

If the waste dump laws are passed this week ; write a media release, letter to the editor or post a comment on a news site online opposing the laws and the Muckaty dump plan

Keep an eye out for Minister Ferguson, Minister Garrett or Minister Macklin visiting your area – gather some friends and give the ALP a reminder that people do not agree with or accept the Muckaty plan.

5- Please contact me with any other questions or suggestions for the campaign, 08 8952 2011, 0429 900 774

and keep checking the website for updates, media releases, audio and photos.

6- Some more information and resources:

a- Tennant Creek community rally audio

On the Easter weekend (April 3) a vibrant rally was held in Tennant Creek.

b- April 12, 2010 Senate Inquiry hearing in Darwin and National day of action:

Some links to articles:

Protesters hit out at nuclear waste dump plan

NT unfairly singled out over nuke dump: Henderson

'Sidelined' indigenous leaders to front nuclear inquiry

NT clans, MPs oppose N-dump

For people on facebook see the album ‘Muckaty waste dump national day of action’ at:!/tasquoll?v=photos&sb=4

c- April 21, 2010 ‘From Muckaty to Melbourne’ public meeting- link to video:

Regards and thanks to everyone for the ongoing support.

Nat Wasley, Beyond Nuclear Initiative
08 8952 2011
0429 900 774