Police brutality targets Aboriginals at Occupy Sydney Council eviction

the media statement below from occupy sydney, and fully endorsed by isja, again clearly shows the common brutality of the police regardless of the circumstances of the victim.

we fully expect apologies from both the lord mayor, clover moore and the nsw police involved in the incident.

charges of assault against colleen will also be initiated against the sydney city council and the police for damages to colleen during the assault upon her.

Police brutality targets Aboriginals at Occupy Sydney Council eviction.

Colleen Fuller an Aboriginal ISJA activist, who is currently fighting for the return of her stolen grandson by Department of Ccommunity Services, was brutally attacked by Councillors and police arising from the decision by Sydney Lord Mayor, Clover Moore and Christine Forester (Tony Abbott’s sister) to evict Occupy Sydney for feeding the homeless.

On Friday at around 9am Colleen was just finishing having breakfast at Occupy Sydney and on her way back to Gosford when two men in suits from the Sydney of City Council arrived accompanied by many police.. Colleen was suddenly surrounded by the police whilst the men in suits pushed their way past Colleen to grab another Occupy Sydney activist.. One Councilor grabbed the Aboriginal flag and threw it into the rubbish bin and then turned their attention to Colleen who was attemptimg to leave .

Colleen tapped Lance on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me.” Police pushed Colleen’s hand away and told her not to touch Lance. Colleen said, “I am just tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention.” Colleen then asked the council workers and police if she could talk to them but they refused. She then called for other Occupy Sydney activists to help put the food and blankets in her car. She propped herself up in her wheelchair and went to pick the pots off the stove. A City of Sydney Councillor then knocked the pots out of Colleen’s hand that had boiling water in it. A police officer grabbed Colleen’s hand that was holding the pot of boiling water and tipped the boiling water onto her foot causing her much pain.

The police pushed Colleen’s wheelchair into the cooking area whilst blocking her wheelchair from exiting the area. The police threw the pot into the back of the truck. Colleen used the handles of the food crates to push herself back up into the wheelchair. A Councilor pulled the crates away from Colleen that she had used to pull herself into a standing position. The police officers began hitting and twisting Colleen’s arms and man-handling her body. Colleen screamed out in pain to the police officers and the councillers, “Please stop. You are hurting me.” The police officers and the Council worker refused to let go and refused to stop until they had pushed Colleen to the ground. The police then forcibly grabbed Colleen’s arm twisting it, then punching and kicking Colleen in the back and her legs asking Colleen if she wanted to be arrested while she screamed in pain for the police to stop.

Other female Occupy Sydney activists who had been calling for the police to stop hurting Colleen and to let her go asked if Colleen would like an ambulance and Colleen nodded. The police then went to move Colleen and the female Occupy Sydney activist told the police to not touch or move Colleen until the ambulance arrived.

An ambulance officer arrived and pulled out a stretcher. He asked the police to assist him but Colleen pleaded, “No. You will probably do more damage. Let my Occupy Sydney friends help.” Colleen then was immediately rushed to the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. No charges were laid. Colleen had received soft tissue damage to her back, right knee and right ankle. No x rays were done but Colleen was released from hospital later that evening.

The previous night Council rangers had fined Colleen who had come to deliver food for the Homeless at Occupy Sydney. Other cars that were also parked in the same area were not fined.

Kimber Mack a friend of Colleen’s who was there noted that the day before Council officers had been asking for registration details of all cars that came to Occupy Sydney. When the parking inspectors learned that Colleen is Aboriginal they specifically developed an interest in Colleen and then gave her the fine. They did not give Occupy Sydney’s food van or any other vehicle any fines or infringement notices. Mack stated, “It was very clear this was not just an Occupy Sydney eviction of the homeless. This was an eviction of Aboriginal people. It was definitely a racist attack from the City of Sydney Council’s sister of Tony Abbott and Clover Moore.

Lance from Occupy Sydney stated, “Christine Forester had nothing personal against anyone from Occupy Sydney but within two days moved this Council motion to evict Occupy Sydney for the crime of feeding the homeless. What happened to Colleen was outrageous. For as long as police are investigating police we can expect the same results as the DOM investigating the Mafia. This only further proves the need for an independent body to investigate the actions of the police.”

Irene Doutney, Greens City Councillor, stated, “This is the sort of behaviour I feared would happen to members and supporters of Occupy Sydney. I am appalled at the treatment of an elderly wheelchair bound Aboriginal woman. I will be endeavouring to find out how we could allow this to happen.”

Occupy Sydney calls for the people who manhandled Colleen to the point that she wound up in hospital to be charged for this racist act of police brutality. Occupy Sydney continues to stands in solidarity with Colleen and all Aboriginal People. Occupy Sydney calls for police to stop investigating police and for an independent body to investigate these acts of police brutality. Occupy Sydney is defiantly continuing to stay and is back at Martin Place reoccupying and continuing to commit the crime of feeding the homeless.

Ray Jackson 0450 651 053 or Raul Bassi 0403 037 376 or Shelly 0459 771 520