A Conversation with Aboriginal Elders from the Northern Territory

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 -
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Contact Email: 
Melbourne Law School 185 Pelham Street, Carlton Melway reference: 2B C9

'concerned Australians’invites you to A Conversation with Aboriginal Elders from the Northern Territory

Djirrikaymirr Rev. Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra OAM Yolngu Elder from Galiwin’ku, East Arnhemland; highly respected political representative of the people and caretaker of Yolngu Law

(Madayin) Rosalie Kunoth-Monks OAM Alyawerre Ammatjerre Elder from Utopia, Central Australia; highly respected President of Barkly Shire; President of Urapuntja Aboriginal Corporation

The Hon Alastair Nicholson AO RFD QC The former Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia will provide legal comment on the issues under discussion

Facilitated by Jeff McMullen Former ABC foreign correspondent; prize-winning Four Corners documentary film-maker; best-selling author,/p>

The Panel will be discussing the NT Intervention and invites you to suggest topics to be included. Please pass on your suggestions when you register.

Entry cost: $10 / $5 concession (pay at the door) Registrations By 16 May. Seats are limited so please register




I am a former resident of the NT (4 years from 2002 - 2006) . I am encouraged to see such a forum tkaing place as I am very interested to hear the perspective of the elders of the community spekaing up about the intervention.
I will be very interested to see the transcript if available when this is completed. I would love to be there myself but due to work and transport I am unable to do so.

I would like to hear the elder's perspective on the level of interaction and support offered to indigenous people in this issue. Has it been delivered in an authoritiative manner or has it been done in the way that at least introduces engagement and working together..?

I hope it goes well and will be interested to see the results..
