Smash borders and bars - solidarity with political prisoners

Date and Time: 
Sunday, July 7, 2013 -
11:00am to 4:00pm
Contact Email:
in the grassy area, Addison Road Community Centre, Marrickville

The right to political opposition is one of the basic rights that the “democratic” system under which we supposedly live should guarantee us; but today is little different to the times that we lived under governments we called dictatorships, as the State´s repressive forces chase, harass and lock up those who dissent politically.

Hundreds and thousands of women, men, students, farmers, indigenous, human rights defenders, and social organizers around the world, who mobilize against capitalism and for the construction of a new way of living, are now facing judicial charges or are behind bars, sentenced to confinement and to be forgotten.

Let’s not remain indifferent before the injustice against those who fight for freedom, let's break the cages, solidarity is our weapon!

-11 am: Artistic opening
-12 pm: Communitarian lunch/check out "the prisoners tent"
-1:30 pm: Workshops and discussion groups
-3:00 pm: Penning up a solidarity storm while having a cuppa and some cake!
