Another Newstart betrayal by Laberal/Libor

While Kevin Rudd was in the media yesterday committing his ‘in-principle’ support to increase Newstart and help single parents, the Government and Tony Abbott’s coalition joined together on the same day to vote down a motion calling for a $50 per week increase to Newstart.

Once again the Australian Greens were the only party taking a stand on the floor of Parliament – where actions speak louder than words.

Over the last six years, the Labor Government has made things harder for vulnerable people and now they have missed their last chance to commit to an increase for Newstart and help single parents in this Parliament.

While in Government the Labor party has cut payments to single parents and left Newstart stagnating more than $130 below the poverty line.

Will you stand with the only party that has demonstrated real action on this issue and share this image with your friends?

I have worked on this issue for eight years. The Greens have the runs on the board to demonstrate our substantial work to help single parents, jobseekers and vulnerable people. We won’t back away from this issue.

It is easy to lend these issues in-principle support and say the right things in public, but doing something about it in Parliament takes strength and commitment.

Can you share this image with your friends?

Yours in determination


Senator Rachel Siewert
Australian Greens spokesperson on Family and Community Affairs

PS. You can find out more about what happened in Parliament here.
