The week in nuclear and energy news

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Former Senator Jean Melzer died on 18 June. She will be remembered for many achievements and her lifelong dedication to the causes of lifting conditions of underprivileged groups, and of protecting the environment. Jean Melzer was Victoria’s first woman Labor senator, and first woman elected as the Secretary of the Labor Caucus. She was Convenor of the Movement Against Uranium Mining. Her anti-nuclear stance resulted in 1980′s pro nuclear Labor Party ousting her. She then stood as the lead Victorian senate candidate for the Nuclear Disarmament Party. A celebration of Jean Melzer’s life will be held in Queens Hall, Parliament House, Victoria at 12.30 on Wednesday 3rd July.

Federal politics. What will Kevin Rudd do about climate change, energy etc? What will Tony Abbott do?. I recommend Glies Parkinson’s REneweconomy of you want to learn about this. Indeed, I recommend Crikey - Independent Australia New Matilda , even the Liberal leaning Online opinion Why bother with the Murdoch, Fairfax etc press and media? Even the ABC – they’re all happy doing personality politics – much more fun than policies and issues – and the media have been a large contributor to the mess that Australian politics is in today.

Carbon tax - A national poll finds that Only a third (37 per cent) of Australians believe that the Coalition should repeal carbon pricing if it is elected government at the next federal election. The full fact sheet is here

Northern Territory. Popular Aboriginal singer Warren H Williams is standing again for the Senate, and looking to be a strong contender for a winnable Senate seat – standing against ALP’s parachuted in political novice Nova Peris. Williams is uncompromisingly anti nuclear.

Wind Energy Australia’s wind generation is cost effective, says International Energy Agency. Despite an anti-wind energy scare campaign backed by wealthy anti wind front groups , the King Island community has voted for a wind farm feasibility study. However, many in the community remain apprehensive and confused following influx of “Waubra Foundation style anti wind campaigners.

“Ugly Australian” Paladin Energy uranium miner continues to slide in share price, as it tries to sell off its flagship Langer Heinrich operation in Namibia, to raise funds to pay off debts.

Retransfers of Australian obligated plutonium from Europe to Japan come into force, and at the same time, Japan takes in its first shipload o mixed uranium and plutonium (MOX) from Europe – to add to its already huge and dangerous pile of plutonium.


JAPAN 350 shareholders angry at TEPCO Annual General Meeting, demand nuclear shutdown. A big rise in radiation in seawater near Fukushima, raising the fear that Fukushima groundwater may be leaking into the ocean. First shipment of uranium/plutonium (MOX ) arrives near Takahama nuclear plant – adding to Japan’s already huge stock of toxic radioactive trash. Japan’s farming sector switching to rooftop solar power.

USA. President Obama plans to use executive powers to get around what he described as “flat earth” science deniers. However, Obama’s speech also included “ Going forward, we will expand these efforts to promote nuclear energy generation”, (seeing that Obama is heavily beholden to the nuclear industry for campaign funding.)

Hanford. Growing concern over the Hanford facility, the nation’s most contaminated nuclear site, has cost taxpayers $40 billion to date and is estimated will cost $115 billion more. One or more of its 177 underground radioactive waste tanks may be leaking. They contain the most toxic and voluminous nuclear waste in the U.S.—208 million liters.

Calls to shut down the Savannah River MOX construction plant, South Carolina – a dangerous failure, costing many $billions.

Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant – the Entergy Corporation will soon be the first company in history to operate a reactor without a license. There are 9 million people living nearby. Its radioactive waste management has been ruled to be inadequate.

USA Mayors mayors unanimously adopted the Mayors for Peace resolution to move military spending to domestic needs
White supremacists arrested, planned to use radiation death ray machine to kill Muslims and President Obama.

UK Drunk on duty, and an array of serious misdemeanours by the Civil Nuclear Constabulary officers raises grave concerns about the safety of the UK’S nuclear power plants. UK nuclear decommissioning costs soar- could be over £100bn.

CZECH REPUBLIC’s new nuclear power program now delayed, and in doubt. POLAND changes plans – now to develop gas, rather than nuclear power.

RENEWABLE ENERGY International Energy Agency predicts bright future for solar and wind energy, on track to soon eclipse natural gas.