Screening on June 27th of 'No Fire Zone- The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka' - Followed by a Q&A Session with the Director Callum Macrae

Contact Phone: 
1300 660 629
Date and Time: 
Thursday, June 27, 2013 -
6:00pm to 8:30pm
Contact Email:
Image icon NFZ_tryevent.jpg28.31 KB
Wesley Theatre, Wesley Conference Centre, 220 Pitt Street, Sydney

In the final stages of the conflict in the Northern Sri Lanka, the Government of Sri Lanka encouraged hundreds of thousands of Tamil civilians to gather in “No Fire Zones”, where they said they would be safe. Government forces then subjected these zones to sustained shelling. Food queues, hospitals & aid convoys were all attacked by the Sri Lankan military & Government Officials denied adequate supplies of food & medicine to the trapped civilians.
This documentary has seen its producers nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Come along and see what Tamil people in Sri Lanka have endured and are fleeing from.
