Study tour to the UK and US available to Indigenous Australians

By Richard Potok, Director, The Aurora Project 

If you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student or graduate interested in postgraduate study overseas, you can apply for the 2013 Aurora Scholars' Study Tour to the UK and the US.

For those contemplating postgraduate study overseas, the Tour provides an invaluable opportunity to travel with a group of like-minded students, visit universities and meet with academics, administrators and current postgraduate students in your area of interest at Cambridge and Oxford universities in the UK, and Columbia, Harvard, New York University (NYU) and Stanford in the US. The Tour is a great introduction to life as a postgraduate student at some of the world's leading universities.

The Aurora Project is seeking applications from high achieving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander undergraduates in any field of study, who have completed at least two years of their course of study. University graduates are also welcome to apply.

The group of successful applicants (approximately 15) will leave Australia in late October and spend 18 days in the US visiting Stanford, Harvard, Columbia and NYU, and 10 days at Cambridge and Oxford. All costs associated with travel, accommodation and meals will be covered by Aurora and its supporters - last year each of the Australian universities where Scholars were studying contributed to the costs. Applicants may elect to join the full Tour, or only the UK or US components (the schedule is currently being finalised).

Seventeen Indigenous students participated in October 2012. Here are reflections from some of them:

"Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think attending world-renowned universities like Oxford and Harvard was a possibility. This trip helped to open a world of possibilities. It has equipped me with the necessary skills to confidently take on the strenuous admission processes and fine-tuned my ability to express my work clearly to a wide range of audiences. While it was, at times, a challenging experience - these places, or rather the idea of these places can be intimidating - it has been such an enriching experience." - Kathleen Jackson, University of Newcastle - 2013 Roberta Sykes Harvard Club Scholar to Harvard

"I came away feeling much more confident about my knowledge of the course, my ability to get in and keep up, and was excited to call my family and tell them I wanted to apply and that I may have found our next home for a couple of years." - Leila Smith, Australian National University - 2013 Charlie Perkins Scholar to Cambridge

"Before going on this trip, I never would have thought about studying overseas, much less at one of these prestigious universities. I was aware that I had good marks, but not that one of these universities would want me. I would definitely never have thought that a scholarship to one of these prestigious universities would be achievable for me, but now I know that it is! This trip has opened up a new world of possibilities for me." - Jessica Buck, University of Newcastle

"When I compare how I felt when I arrived and the ideas I have about my future as a student now, the leap is mind boggling.... To be able to not only engage with such incredible academics, but also to find they are interested in your historical focus and interests is an honour I had never imagined in my wildest dreams. I feel like I need to keep pinching myself!" - Zena Cumpston, Monash University

You can read more about the students' experiences of last year's Tour in the attached reflections.

Start preparing your application now!

Applications open at 9am AEST on Monday, 3 June 2013.
Applications close at 5pm AEST on Wednesday, 24 July 2013.

Applicants should email the following documents to

. A cover letter (including a personal statement about your background, career aspirations and reasons for wanting to go on the Tour.

. A curriculum vitae

. An official transcript of university results (including mid-year results, if available)

. Confirmation of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent through a signed written statement (including common seal) of an Aboriginal Heritage Association, Aboriginal Corporation or Land Council in the community where you live or have lived

. Three written references (including two academic references), which should be forwarded directly to Aurora by your referees

. A list identifying one academic contact (such as a Professor) and one administrative contact (such as a Course Coordinator) you would like to meet at each academic institution you are interested in visiting (Cambridge, Columbia, Harvard, NYU, Oxford and Stanford)

The successful applicants will be chosen primarily on the basis of academic achievement (Distinction average or higher) but also on the basis of their potential to become leaders in their field of study and in their communities. Preference will be given to students in the final year of their undergraduate studies. We are looking for applicants who have the potential to become Charlie Perkins and Roberta Sykes Scholars.

Any questions should be emailed to
and should include a contact telephone number.

To find out more about the Charlie Perkins Scholarships for postgraduate study at Oxford or Cambridge, go to

To find out more about the Roberta Sykes Scholarships for postgraduate study
at any overseas academic institution, go to

Best regards
Richard Potok
