Global campaign to protect the Orangutan Forest

Rettet den Regenwald e.V.



Orangutans need intact forests to survive
Dear friends of the rainforests,

Indonesian rainforest conservationist Rudy Putra made an urgent appeal to the world: The government of the semi-autonomous province of Aceh on Sumatra is planning to give huge rainforest areas to mining and palm oil companies for deforestation. The orangutans, rhinos, elephants and tigers living in there are in danger. Even protected areas are not to be spared.

The Indonesian president however can prevent these plans. Please sign Rudi Putra’s urgent petition:

Thanks for being involved,

Reinhard Behrend
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)

Rainforest Rescue

Jupiterweg 15, 22391 Hamburg, Germany  •


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