Urgent Action: Stop Bushman evictions - trucks to roll in today 28 May



Bushmen under eviction threat
Survival action to stop the eviction of the Bushmen in the ‘wildlife corridor’ in Botswana has reached the president in spite of some or your emails being blocked. His spokesman has called it a ‘smear campaign’. Could that make it harder for the government to carry out its threat? Trucks are due to go in today, to begin the eviction tomorrow.

Let’s see what happens.

If you have already sent an email, you could send another in case your first was blocked. If you haven't yet, and have a spare moment or two, now's the time.

If you'd like to send an email but don't have much time, click here to send a pre-written message.


If you have five minutes, please write your own message. This is much more powerful.

Here are some things you can mention:

  • Ranyane residents have been told to leave or face forced evictions by government authorities 
  • Evictions are reportedly to make way for a 'wildlife corridor' 
  • Forced relocation of Bushmen from their ancestral land has been ruled as ‘unlawful and unconstitutional’ by Botswana’s High Court
  • Urge the President to immediately investigate the matter and ensure that no Bushmen are evicted against their will

You can address your email to:
President Ian Khama
soefile@gov.bw and op.registry@gov.bw


Thank you.