Open letter in response to the #NoJabNoPlay Campaign.

Open letter to:
The Editor The Daily Telegraph
The Hon. Jillian Skinner MP
Minister for Health
Minister for Medical Research
The Hon. Adrian Piccoli MP
Minister for Education

Dear Sirs/madam

In response to the #NoJabnoplay Campaign.
This open letter will be published through indymedia and propagated via various social and media networks.
The Government needs to be aware of its duty of care to its citizens and the probable litigations that will follow for its lack of sound research. I will cite the published research and provide links for verification. You, the Government and the media will not be able to say you were not informed.
Firstly I am not anti-immunisation, I am pro safer vaccines.
Published scientific research has shown that the vaccine adjuvants, Aluminium hydroxide and Aluminium phosphate at levels recommended by the current immunisation program, breech the blood brain barrier and kill neurones on contact causing significant neurological damage. The excretion of Aluminium salts has shown that after 28 days only 22% of the adjuvant has been eliminated, thus subsequent injections build up in the system increasing the level of toxicity.

The massive vaccination lobby has a strong influence in our Government, but the facts are ignored. Yes vaccination has its place but the current practice of adding every new vaccine to the program is a ticking time bomb that will explode if the course of action is not altered.
As the number of programmed inoculations to the young individual continues to rise, it’s only a matter of time before the neurological damage demonstrated in Gulf War veterans is seen in our children. You are the ones who will be held accountable if this veritable dark ages practice is made compulsory. And the government will not be able to say it was not warned. The use of toxic adjuvants dates back to the 1930s. Think about it, science new little about the neurone at this time. There are much safer alternatives in medicated patch technology and the promise of nano-delivered medications. The following paragraphs are samples of published research that validate what I have written.

Pharmacol Toxicol. 1992 Apr;70(4):278-80.Related Articles, Links

Aluminium-adjuvanted vaccines transiently increase aluminium levels in murine brain tissue.

Redhead K, Quinlan GJ, Das RG, Gutteridge JM.

Division of Bacteriology, National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, Herts., UK.

Aluminium is widely used as an adjuvant in human vaccines, and children can often receive up to 3.75 mg of parenteral aluminium during the first six months of life. We show that intraperitoneal injection of aluminium adsorbed vaccines into mice causes a transient rise in brain tissue aluminium levels peaking around the second and third day after injection. This rise is not seen in the saline control group of animals or with vaccine not containing aluminium. It is likely that aluminium is transported to the brain by the iron-binding protein transferrin and enters the brain via specific transferrin receptors.

In-Vivo Absorption of Aluminium-Containing
Vaccine Adjuvants Using 26Al

Richard E. Flack1, Stanley L. Hem2*, Joe L. White3, David Elmore1,
Mark A. Suckow4, Anita C. Rudy5, Euphemie A. Dandashli2

The cumulative amount of aluminium eliminated in the urine during the 28 days of the study was 6% of the AH adjuvant dose and 22% of the AP adjuvant dose. Aluminium from both adjuvants was still being excreted at a steady rate at day 28.

Journal NeuroMolecular Medicine

Michael S. Petrik1, 2 , Margaret C. Wong1, 2, Rena C. Tabata1, 3, Robert F. Garry4 and Christopher A. Shaw1, 5, 6
Abstract Gulf War illness (GWI) affects a significant percentage of veterans of the 1991 conflict, but its origin remains unknown. Associated with some cases of GWI are increased incidences of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other neurological disorders. Whereas many environmental factors have been linked to GWI, the role of the anthrax vaccine has come under increasing scrutiny. Among the vaccine’s potentially toxic components are the adjuvants aluminum hydroxide and squalene. To examine whether these compounds might contribute to neuronal deficits associated with GWI, an animal model for examining the potential neurological impact of aluminum hydroxide, squalene, or aluminum hydroxide combined with squalene was developed. Young, male colony CD-1 mice were injected with the adjuvants at doses equivalent to those given to US military service personnel. All mice were subjected to a battery of motor and cognitive-behavioral tests over a 6-mo period postinjections. Following sacrifice, central nervous system tissues were examined using immunohistochemistry for evidence of inflammation and cell death. Behavioral testing showed motor deficits in the aluminum treatment group that expressed as a progressive decrease in strength measured by the wire-mesh hang test (final deficit at 24 wk; about 50%). Significant cognitive deficits in water-maze learning were observed in the combined aluminum and squalene group (4.3 errors per trial) compared with the controls (0.2 errors per trial) after 20 wk. Apoptotic neurons were identified in aluminum-injected animals that showed significantly increased activated caspase-3 labeling in lumbar spinal cord (255%) and primary motor cortex (192%) compared with the controls. Aluminum-treated groups also showed significant motor neuron loss (35%) and increased numbers of astrocytes (350%) in the lumbar spinal cord. The findings suggest a possible role for the aluminum adjuvant in some neurological features associated with GWI and possibly an additional role for the combination of adjuvants.

Yours Truly

Roy Tyrrell
Concerned Parent

