Budget assures Lowitja Institute's future

Thank you!

We are pleased to announce that we have been successful in securing funding to take us through until 2019. Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research, Dr Craig Emerson, and the Minister for Indigenous Health, Mr Warren Snowdon, have confirmed that the Lowitja Institute will receive $25 million over 5 years commencing July 2014.

We would like to thank you for your sincere expressions of support and well wishes over the past months. Now that we have certainty around our funding, we can ensure that we maximise the impact of our work well into the future. All the while we are working diligently to translate the findings of all current Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health projects into practical applications that actually make a difference.

The Lowitja Institute will continue discussions with the Federal Government on their plans regarding the recommendations of the McKeon Review. The Institute provided a submission to the review and many of the key points raised have been taken on board and are reflected in the recommendations—particularly the establishment of a virtual Integrated Health Research Centre with a sole focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. The virtual network described in the review has been key to the success of the Institute throughout its history.

Once again, our heartfelt thanks for your wonderful support!

Yours sincerely,

Lyn Brodie
Chief Executive Officer

The Lowitja Institute
Incorporating the Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

The Cooperative Research Centres program is an Australian Government Initiative

179 Grattan Street
Carlton Vic 3053
T: +61 3 8341 5555
F: +61 3 8341 5599
E: communications@lowitja.org.au